centos7使用kubeadm安装kubernetes 1.11版本多主高可用

2023年 7月 9日 48.2k 0

I0816 10:04:59.743015 1 heapster.go:72] /heapster –source=kubernetes:https://kubernetes.default –sink=influxdb:http://monitoring-influxdb.kube-system.svc:8086
I0816 10:04:59.743166 1 heapster.go:73] Heapster version v1.4.2
I0816 10:04:59.743472 1 configs.go:61] Using Kubernetes client with master “https://kubernetes.default” and version v1
I0816 10:04:59.743508 1 configs.go:62] Using kubelet port 10255
E0816 10:05:20.868872 1 influxdb.go:264] issues while creating an InfluxDB sink: failed to ping InfluxDB server at “monitoring-influxdb.kube-system.svc:8086” – Get http://monitoring-influxdb.kube-system.svc:8086/ping: dial tcp getsockopt: connection refused, will retry on use
I0816 10:05:20.868946 1 influxdb.go:278] created influxdb sink with options: host:monitoring-influxdb.kube-system.svc:8086 user:root db:k8s
I0816 10:05:20.868977 1 heapster.go:196] Starting with InfluxDB Sink
I0816 10:05:20.868983 1 heapster.go:196] Starting with Metric Sink
I0816 10:05:20.890192 1 heapster.go:106] Starting heapster on port 8082
E0816 10:06:05.003967 1 kubelet.go:231] error while getting containers from Kubelet: failed to get all container stats from Kubelet URL “”: Post dial tcp getsockopt: connection refused
E0816 10:06:05.004645 1 kubelet.go:231] error while getting containers from Kubelet: failed to get all container stats from Kubelet URL “”: Post dial tcp getsockopt: connection refused
E0816 10:06:05.006770 1 kubelet.go:231] error while getting containers from Kubelet: failed to get all container stats from Kubelet URL “”: Post dial tcp getsockopt: connection refused
I0816 10:06:05.019231 1 influxdb.go:241] Created database “k8s” on influxDB server at “monitoring-influxdb.kube-system.svc:8086”
E0816 10:07:05.001407 1 kubelet.go:231] error while getting containers from Kubelet: failed to get all container stats from Kubelet URL

diwuqingoru5年前 (2018-08-16)登录以回复


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探索 Kubernetes 持久化存储之 Longhorn 初窥门径
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无需 Kubernetes 测试 Kubernetes 网络实现
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