Okteto 是一个神奇的工具,可以方便我们快速构建开发环境!
Okteto 是一个通过在 Kubernetes 中来开发和测试代码的应用程序开发工具,可以通过 Okteto 在 Kubernetes 中一键为我们启动一个开发环境,非常简单方便。
1. Okteto 命令工具安装
- Okteto 为 Kubernetes 应用程序提供了本地开发环境的体验,你可以在你的 IDE 中进行代码编辑,然后 Okteto 会自动将它同步到你的集群上面,验证对应功能。Okteto CLI 是开源的,代码可在 Github 上获得,它适用于任何 Kubernetes 集群的客户端工具。
# MacOS/Linux $ brew install okteto $ curl https://get.okteto.com -sSfL | sh # Windows $ scoop install okteto # Github https://github.com/okteto/okteto/releases
2. Okteto 命令工具使用
编号 | 参数 | 对应使用含义 | 后缀参数 |
1 | okteto login [URL] | 登录到服务并下载令牌和证书 | --token |
2 | okteto init | 自动生成 Okteto 清单文件等 | --file |
3 | okteto up | 激活开发容器 | |
4 | okteto down | 停用开发容器并恢复之前的配置 | --file/--namespace/--context |
5 | okteto exec COMMAND | 在开发容器中执行执行命令 | --file/--namespace/--context |
6 | okteto build [PATH] | 从 Dockerfile 中打包镜像 | --file/--tag/--no-cache |
7 | okteto status --info | 文件同步进程状态 | --file/--namespace/--watch |
8 | okteto restart | 重新启动服务 | --file/--namespace/--context |
9 | okteto push | 推送并重新部署到 Okteto 中 | --file/--namespace/--tag |
10 | okteto doctor | 检查环境并生成诊断日志 | - |
11 | okteto analytics [parameters] | 启用/禁用分析数据收集 | --disable |
12 | okteto namespace [namespace] | 下载名称空间的 k8s 凭据 | |
13 | okteto pipeline [command] | 管道管理命令 | - |
14 | okteto pipeline deploy | 部署管道服务 | --name/--namespace/--repository |
15 | okteto pipeline destroy | 删除管道服务 | --name/--namespace/--volumes |
16 | okteto stack [command] | 堆栈管理命令 | - |
17 | okteto stack deploy | 部署堆栈服务 | --file/--namespace/--context |
18 | okteto stack destroy | 删除堆栈服务 | --file/--namespace/--context |
19 | okteto version | 显示当前安装的版本 | - |
20 | okteto help | 显示完整的帮助 | - |
# format $ okteto [options] <command> <subcommand> [parameters] # analytics ➜ okteto analytics ✓ Analytics have been enabled # status $ okteto status --info i Local syncthing url: http://localhost:60539 i Remote syncthing url: http://localhost:60538 i Syncthing username: okteto i Syncthing password: ac0ee34a-b1aa-4a41-bc67-cec3128b6cfd ✓ Synchronization status: 100.00%
3. Okteto 启动配置文件
- 生成的 okteto.yml 是描述开发容器的一种清单格式,它声明了部署目标、开发容器、要同步的文件夹以及激活开发容器所需的其他信息。
name: vote labels: app.kubernetes.io/part-of: vote app.kubernetes.io/component: api image: python:3 command: ["python", "app.py"] workdir: /usr/src/app sync: - .:/usr/src/app environment: - name=$USER - environment=development resources: requests: memory: "64Mi" cpu: "250m" limits: memory: "128Mi" cpu: "500m" forward: - 8080:80 - 5432:postgres:5432 reverse: - 9000:9001 securityContext: runAsUser: 1000 runAsGroup: 2000 fsGroup: 3000 capabilities: add: - SYS_PTRACE
4. Okteto 部署配置文件
Okteto Stacks 适合那些不想处理 Kubernetes 清单的复杂性的开发人员,其实现并扩展了 Compose 规范,使在 Kubernetes 中部署容器变得容易。
- .stignore -> 同步需要忽略文件列表
- okteto.yml -> 服务启动生成的配置文件
namespace: development services: vote: name: voting-app build: vote scale: 2 ports: - 8080:8080 environment: - ROOT_PASSWORD=${PASSWORD} redis: name: voting-redis image: redis ports: - 6379 volumes: - redis:/data volumes: redis: forward: - 8080:8080 deploy: resources: reservations: cpu: 300m memory: 500Mi limits: cpu: 500m memory: 800Mi restart_policy: condition: on-failure max_attempts: 3
# default .stignore for a go-based project okteto.yml .git *.exe *.exe~ *.dll *.so *.dylib # Test binary, built with go test -c *.test # Output of the go coverage tool, specifically when used with LiteIDE *.out
5. Okteto 远程部署服务
作为启用开发容器的一部分,okteto up 执行以下步骤:
- 一个极简 SSH 服务器被注入到您的开发容器中
- 从开发容器的本地端口创建端口转发到 22 端口
- 主机条目将添加到你的本地 .ssh/config 文件中,其值如下:
Host MANIFEST_NAME.okteto HostName localhost Port PORT StrictHostKeyChecking no UserKnownHostsFile /dev/null
okteto up 使用 SSH 服务器来运行远程命令并将端口转发到你的开发容器,SSH 服务器可以将你的开发容器与支持远程开发的 IDE 集成,例如 VS Code 或 PyCharm。
- 使用 SSH 连接
# 开发容器启动并运行 $ ssh -P PORT localhost # 还可以使用添加到本地SSH配置中的主机条目进行SSH $ ssh MANIFEST_NAME.okteto
- 安全巩固
# 第一次运行时,将创建SSH秘钥对 # $HOME/.okteto/id_rsa_okteto # $HOME/.okteto/id_rsa_okteto.pub $ okteto up
6. Okteto 的云服务使用
Getting Started on Okteto Cloud
Okteto Cloud 提供了对安全的 Kubernetes 名称空间的即时访问,使开发人员能够完全在云中编写、构建和运行 Kubernetes 应用程序。
- Step 1: Deploy the Movies App
- Step 2: Install the Okteto CLI
# MacOS/Linux $ brew install okteto $ curl https://get.okteto.com -sSfL | sh
- Step 3: Configure access to your Okteto Cloud namespace
$ okteto namespace Authentication required. Do you want to log into Okteto? [y/n]: y What is the URL of your Okteto instance? [https://cloud.okteto.com]: Authentication will continue in your default browser ✓ Logged in as cindy ✓ Updated context 'cloud_okteto_com' in '/Users/cindy/.kube/config'
- Step 4: Activate your development container
# clone $ git clone https://github.com/okteto/movies $ cd movies # api component $ cd api $ okteto up ✓ Persistent volume successfully attached ✓ Images successfully pulled ✓ Files synchronized Namespace: cindy Name: api Forward: 8080 -> 8080 9229 -> 9229 Welcome to your development container. Happy coding! cindy:api src> cindy:api src> env | grep MONGODB_PASSWORD MONGODB_PASSWORD=Password![email protected] cindy:api src> yarn start yarn run v1.19.1 $ nodemon server.js [nodemon] 1.19.2 [nodemon] to restart at any time, enter `rs` [nodemon] watching dir(s): *.* [nodemon] starting `node server.js` Server running on port 8080. GET /api/movies GET /api/watching
- Step 5: Development time!
# server.js db.collection('watching').find().toArray( (err, results) =>{ # info [nodemon] restarting due to changes... [nodemon] starting `node server.js` Server running on port 8080.
7. okteto 与 github 集成
Preview Environments with Github
将展示如何使用 Okteto Cloud 和 Github Actions 为你的应用程序自动创建一个预览环境。
- Step 1: Fork the Repository
# clone https://github.com/okteto/kubernetes-preview-environment
- Step 2: Create the Github Workflow
- Log into Okteto Cloud.
- Deploy a preview environment in Okteto Cloud.
- Update the PR with the URL of the preview environment.
# action https://github.com/okteto/actions
# file: .github/workflows/preview.yaml on: pull_request: branches: - master jobs: preview: runs-on: ubuntu-latest steps: - name: Login uses: okteto/[email protected] with: token: ${{ secrets.OKTETO_TOKEN }} - name: Deploy preview environment uses: okteto/deploy-[email protected] env: GITHUB_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }} with: name: pr-${{ github.event.number }}-cindylopez scope: personal timeout: 15m
- Step 3: Configure your Okteto API Token
# secrets OKTETO_TOKEN # create a personal access token https://okteto.com/docs/cloud/personal-access-tokens
- Step 4: Open a Pull Request
- Step 5: See your changes live
- Step 6: Cleanup
# file: .github/workflows/preview-closed.yaml on: pull_request: types: - closed jobs: closed: runs-on: ubuntu-latest steps: - name: checkout uses: actions/[email protected] - name: Login uses: okteto/[email protected] with: token: ${{ secrets.OKTETO_TOKEN }} - name: Delete preview environment uses: okteto/destroy-[email protected] with: name: pr-${{ github.event.number }}-cindylopez
8. okteto 本地开发环境
Getting Started on Okteto Cloud with Python
- Step 1: Deploy the Python Sample App
# clone $ git clone https://github.com/okteto/python-getting-started $ cd python-getting-started # deployment $ kubectl apply -f k8s.yml deployment.apps "hello-world" created service "hello-world" created
- Step 2: Create your okteto manifest
# 初始化配置 $ okteto init This command walks you through creating an okteto manifest. It only covers the most common items, and tries to guess sensible defaults. See https://okteto.com/docs/reference/manifest for the official documentation about the okteto manifest. Use the arrow keys to navigate: ↓ ↑ → ← Select the deployment you want to develop: ▸ hello-world Use default values ✓ hello-world ✓ Deployment 'hello-world' successfully analyzed ✓ okteto manifest (okteto.yml) created i Run 'okteto up' to activate your development container
# 配置文件 $ cat okteto.yml name: hello-world command: bash volumes: - /root/.cache/pip sync: - .:/usr/src/app forward: - 8080:8080 reverse: - 9000:9000
- Step 3: Activate your development container
$ okteto up ✓ Persistent volume successfully attached ✓ Images successfully pulled ✓ Files synchronized Namespace: cindy Name: hello-world Forward: 8080 -> 8080 Reverse: 9000 <- 9000 Welcome to your development container. Happy coding! cindy:hello-world app> cindy:hello-world app> python app.py Starting hello-world server... * Serving Flask app "app" (lazy loading) * Environment: development * Debug mode: on * Running on (Press CTRL+C to quit)
- Step 4: Develop directly on Okteto Cloud
# code $ cat app.py @app.route('/') def hello_world(): return 'Hello World from the cluster!' } # logging * Detected change in '/usr/src/app/app.py', reloading * Restarting with stat Starting hello-world server... * Debugger is active! * Debugger PIN: 308-916-374
- Step 5: Debug directly in Okteto Cloud
# code $ cat app.py if __name__ == '__main__': print('Starting hello-world server...') # comment out to use Pycharm's remote debugger attach() app.run(host='', port=8080) # logging Starting hello-world server... * Serving Flask app "app" (lazy loading) * Environment: development * Debug mode: on * Running on (Press CTRL+C to quit) * Restarting with stat Starting hello-world server... Connecting to debugger...
9. okteto 参考链接地址