Switchboard数据库:连接万物,再现无限可能 (switchboard 数据库)

2023年 8月 10日 47.8k 0














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  • event sales什么意思


Employment Objective: Web Maintenance

Work Experience

1、2023/10–now:director of the technical department

Contents of work:

1、Web program design, data maintenance and web security;

2、search engine optimization



take on:website maintenance

work experience

1、2023/10–now: director of technology department;

job description:

1、website program design、data maintain、security etc.;

2、SEO:search engine optimization

3、maintain all the elementary establishments such as company WEB、mail、office server、PC、printer、telephoe switchboard;

4、maintain the office software which are in common use;

5、apply LAN administration and computer configuration,deal with all kinds of unexpectable net failure and computer breakdowns,梁山make a quick response to the problems related to net system and solve it in time;

2、2023//08: system/network adminstrator

assure the normal running of network inside company,solve all kinds of hardware error and office device failure in time,ensure the stable operating of document share and print service,establish and implement the network management system,train the employees for computer knowledge periodically,be in charge of purchasing all the computers.

individual ability:

1、橡旅中master in ASP、VBSCRIPT、HTML,know CSS well, know developing process of website well,can develop website program independently;

2、maintain SQL Server data-base configuration and optimize the performance;

3、master in OS Windows Server 2023,master in set-up configuration and maintenance of IIS and viewer authority control,familiar with security configuration of server;

4、able to configure and maintain network and office devices such as router、exchanger、printer、telephone switchboard;镇搏

5、familiar with Office software,able to carry out help and training in the using of the related software.

self evaluation

•powerful self-study ability with good plasticity,can quickly accept and in control of new things and new technologies;

•able to burden big working pressure;

•good at communicating and coordinating the cooperation relationship.


Job applicants: site maintenance

Work experience

1,2023 /晌汪肆 10 – so far: technical director


1, site programming, data maintenance, site security;

2, search engine optimization (SEO)

3, the company WEB, mail, office servers, desktop computers, printers, telephone switches and other infrastructure maintenance;

4, the company commonly used office software maintenance;

5, the LAN network management and computer configurations, handling all kinds of random network and computer failures, timely response and to address the corporate network-related issues;

2, 2023 //08: Administrators / network administrator

Ensure normal operation of the company internal network, the timely processing of all types of computer hardware and software and office equipment failures, protection of computer file-sharing and print server and stable operation of the establishment of networks and management systems and implemented, the company regularly conduct computer literacy training staff, And to participate in all the company’s purchase of computer accessories.

Personal capacity:

1, proficient in ASP, VBSCRIPT, HTML, CSS, and so familiar with, familiar with the site development process, to develop an independent Web site;

2, SQL Server database configuration maintenance and performance optimization;

3, proficient in Windows Server 2023 operating systems, proficiency in IIS installation configuration and maintenance, as well as access control, familiar with the server security configuration;

4, skilled configure and maintain routers, switches, printers, telephone switches and other network and office equipment;

5, familiar with Office and other office software, the software can use help and training.


•宴轿陵颤 self-learning ability, malleable, and can quickly grasp and accept new things and new technology;

• able to withstand greater pressure of work;

• good at communication, coordination and cooperation

Responds to a call for recruits the position: Website maintenance

employment history

1, 2023/10–Until now: The technical department managers

work the content:

1st, website programming, data maintenance, website security and so on;

2nd, the search engine optimizes (SEO)

3, company WEB, the mail, the work server table model, infrastructure maintenances and so on machine, printer, telephone switchboard;

4th, company commonly used office software maintenance;

5th, the implementation local area network network management and the computer disposition, processes each kind of stochastic network and the computer breakdown, promptly responds and solves the company network system related question;

2nd, 2023//08: The system manager/network administrator

guaranteed the company interior network normal operation, processes each kind of computer software and hardware and the office equipment breakdown promptly, safeguards computer document sharing and the print server stable movement, establishes the network use and the control system and carries out, regularly carries on computer knowledge training to the company staff, and participates in the company all computer fitting the purchase.

event sales什么意思


event sales 大型促销活动





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