
2023年 8月 15日 3.7k 0


Checkpoint Process (CKPT)

The checkpoint process (CKPT) updates the control file and data file headers with checkpoint information and signals DBW to write blocks to disk. Checkpoint information includes the checkpoint position, SCN, and location in online redo log to begin recovery.

As shown in Figure 15-4, CKPT does not write data blocks to data files or redo blocks to online redo log files.

Process Monitor Process (PMON) Group

The PMON group includes PMON, Cleanup Main Process (CLMN), and Cleanup Helper Processes (CLnn). These processes are responsible for the monitoring and cleanup of other processes.

The PMON group oversees cleanup of the buffer cache and the release of resources used by a client process. For example, the PMON group is responsible for resetting the status of the active transaction table, releasing locks that are no longer required, and removing the process ID of terminated processes from the list of active processes.

The database must ensure that resources held by terminated processes are released so they are usable by other processes. Otherwise, process may end up blocked or stuck in contention.

Process Monitor Process (PMON)
The process monitor (PMON) detects the termination of other background processes. If a server or dispatcher process terminates abnormally, then the PMON group is responsible for performing process recovery. Process termination can have multiple causes, including operating system kill commands or ALTER SYSTEM KILL SESSION statements.

System Monitor Process (SMON)

The system monitor process (SMON) is in charge of a variety of system-level cleanup duties.

Duties assigned to SMON include:

Performing instance recovery, if necessary, at instance startup. In an Oracle RAC database, the SMON process of one database instance can perform instance recovery for a failed instance.

Recovering terminated transactions that were skipped during instance recovery because of file-read or tablespace offline errors. SMON recovers the transactions when the tablespace or file is brought back online.

Cleaning up unused temporary segments. For example, Oracle Database allocates extents when creating an index. If the operation fails, then SMON cleans up the temporary space.

Coalescing contiguous free extents within dictionary-managed tablespaces.

SMON checks regularly to see whether it is needed. Other processes can call SMON if they detect a need for it.

Database Writer Process (DBW)

The database writer process (DBW) writes the contents of database buffers to data files. DBW processes write modified buffers in the database buffer cache to disk.

Although one database writer process (DBW0) is adequate for most systems, you can configure additional processes—DBW1 through DBW9, DBWa through DBWz, and BW36 through BW99—to improve write performance if your system modifies data heavily. These additional DBW processes are not useful on uniprocessor systems.

The DBW process writes dirty buffers to disk under the following conditions:

When a server process cannot find a clean reusable buffer after scanning a threshold number of buffers, it signals DBW to write. DBW writes dirty buffers to disk asynchronously if possible while performing other processing.

DBW periodically writes buffers to advance the checkpoint, which is the position in the redo thread from which instance recovery begins. The log position of the checkpoint is determined by the oldest dirty buffer in the buffer cache.

In many cases the blocks that DBW writes are scattered throughout the disk. Thus, the writes tend to be slower than the sequential writes performed by LGWR. DBW performs multiblock writes when possible to improve efficiency. The number of blocks written in a multiblock write varies by operating system.

Log Writer Process (LGWR)

The log writer process (LGWR) manages the online redo log buffer.

LGWR writes one portion of the buffer to the online redo log. By separating the tasks of modifying database buffers, performing scattered writes of dirty buffers to disk, and performing fast sequential writes of redo to disk, the database improves performance.

In the following circumstances, LGWR writes all redo entries that have been copied into the buffer since the last time it wrote:

A user commits a transaction.

An online redo log switch occurs.

Three seconds have passed since LGWR last wrote.

The redo log buffer is one-third full or contains 1 MB of buffered data.

DBW must write modified buffers to disk.

Before DBW can write a dirty buffer, the database must write to disk the redo records associated with changes to the buffer (the write-ahead protocol). If DBW discovers that some redo records have not been written, it signals LGWR to write the records to disk, and waits for LGWR to complete before writing the data buffers to disk.


数据库管理-第216期 Oracle的高可用-01(20240703)
数据库事务的四大特性: ACID 
