- innodb buffer使用情况
- 执行的命令统计信息
- 查询列表,类似于show processlist
- 锁等待信息
- 死锁信息
- 外键错误信息
- innodb I/O信息
- 事务信息
- 主从复制信息
innotop Ver 1.12.0
yum install -y perl-DBD-MySQL
cd innotop/
perl Makefile.PL
make install
innotop 的参数与mysql客户端的参数相似,使用起来也很方便,执行innotop --help 可以查看它的帮助信息,如下:
[root@localhost innotop]# innotop --help
Usage: innotop
--askpass Prompt for a password when connecting to MySQL
--[no]color -C Use terminal coloring (default)
--config -c Config file to read
--count Number of updates before exiting
--delay -d Delay between updates in seconds
--help Show this help message
--host -h Connect to host
--[no]inc -i Measure incremental differences
--mode -m Operating mode to start in
--nonint -n Non-interactive, output tab-separated fields
--password -p Password to use for connection
--port -P Port number to use for connection
--skipcentral -s Skip reading the central configuration file
--socket -S MySQL socket to use for connection
--spark Length of status sparkline (default 10)
--timestamp -t Print timestamp in -n mode (1: per iter; 2: per line)
--user -u User for login if not current user
--version Output version information and exit
--write -w Write running configuration into home directory if no config files were loaded
innotop is a MySQL and InnoDB transaction/status monitor, like 'top' for
MySQL. It displays queries, InnoDB transactions, lock waits, deadlocks,
foreign key errors, open tables, replication status, buffer information,
row operations, logs, I/O operations, load graph, and more. You can
monitor many servers at once with innotop.
innotop -h -u admin -p'123456'
[RO] Dashboard (? for help)
Switch to a different mode:
A Dashboard I InnoDB I/O Info Q Query List
B InnoDB Buffers K InnoDB Lock Waits R InnoDB Row Ops
C Command Summary L Locks S Variables & Status
D InnoDB Deadlocks M Replication Status T InnoDB Txns
F InnoDB FK Err O Open Tables U User Statistics
d Change refresh interval q Quit innotop
k Kill a query's connection r Reverse sort order
n Switch to the next connection s Choose sort column
p Pause innotop x Kill a query
TAB Switch to the next server group / Quickly filter what you see
! Show license and warranty = Toggle aggregation
# Select/create server groups @ Select/create server connections
$ Edit configuration settings Clear quick-filters
Press any key to continue
常用的快捷键示例:C(Command Summary)
B(InnoDB Buffers)
Q(Query List)
整体来看,innotop 安装使用都比较简单、方便,功能也很强大,按按快捷键就能切换到不同的监控模式,显示不同的监控信息,对于数据库管理员来说,的确是一个不错的工作助手。