考生Oracle 19c OCP 正式考试结果错题展示

2023年 8月 23日 43.8k 0

考生19c OCP 正式考试结果错题展示
【082 错题】
Administering Naming Methods
Administering User Authentication Methods
Applying the Principal of Least Privilege
Assigning Quotas to Users
Configuring Communication Between Database Instances
Configuring the Oracle Net Listener
Connecting to an Oracle Database Instance
Controlling transactions
Creating and using temporary tables
Implementing Oracle Managed FilesManaging Different Types of Segments
Managing Indexes
Managing Resumable Space Allocation
Managing Table Data Storage
Managing constraintsManipulating strings with character functions in SQL SELECTand WHERE clauses
Matching the SELECT statements
Shrinking Segments
Understanding Block Space Management
Understanding Oracle Database Instance ConfigurationsUnderstanding Transactions and Undo Data
Using Data Dictionary Views
Using Multiple Row Subqueries.
Using Oracle Data Pump
Using Oracle Net Services Administration Tools
Using SQL*Loader
Using Self-joins
Using Space-Saving Features
Using the DEFINE and VERIFY commands
Using the Database Configuration Assistant (DBCA)

【082 错题】

Administering Naming Methods
Administering User Authentication Methods
Configuring Communication Between Database Instances
Confiquring the Oracle Net Listener0
Connecting to an Oracle Database Instance.
Controlling transactions0
Deploying Oracle Database Space Management Features0
Implementing Oracle Managed Files
Managing Table Data Storage
Manipulating dates with the date function
Manipulating strings with character functions in SQL SELECT
and WHERE clauses
Matching the SELECT statements.
Restricting Group Results.
Shrinking Segments
Storing Undo Information0
Understanding Transactions and Undo Data
Using Column aliases.
Using Data Manipulation Language.
Using Oracle Data Pump
Using Space-Saving Features
Using The DESCRIBE command
Using The SQL SELECT statement
Using concatenation operator, literal character stringsalternative quote operator, and the DISTINCT keyword
Using the DEFINE and VERIFY commands
Using the TO_CHAR,TO_NUMBER,and TO_DATE conversionfunctions

【082 错题】

Administering Naming Methods
Applying the Principal of Least Privilege
Configuring the Oracle Net Listener
Connecting to an Oracle Database Instance
Controlling transactions
Implementing Oracle Managed FilesManaging Table Data StorageShrinking SegmentsUnderstanding Transactions and Undo Data
Using Multiple Row Subqueries
Using The INTERSECT operator
Using the DEFINE and VERIFY commands


Awesome Project: 探索 MatrixOrigin 云原生分布式数据库
Oracle 导出CSV工具-sqluldr2
