Java 与 C#

2023年 8月 28日 131.1k 0

Java 与 C#

Java is a dynamic, secured and class based high level object oriented programming language developed by Oracle Corporation. On the other hand; C# is a .Net Framework object oriented programming language developed by Microsoft.


In a broad view there are many differences between these two OOPs −

  • Java Runtime Environment旨在运行Java代码,而C#运行在CLR环境(公共语言运行时)。

  • Java和C#都是面向对象的编程语言。但是在特定的方式上,C#是一种功能和组件导向的强类型编码语言。这种语言提供了多重重载的特性,而这是Java所没有的。

  • 这两者的Array特性也不相同。对于Java来说,Object是直接的专门化,而对于C#来说,Array是系统的专门化。

Use of C# -

  • Web app. Development

  • Windows application development.

  • Gaming application.

使用Java -

  • Web项目,大数据应用

  • Server-side programming

  • Embedded systems

  • Android应用程序



In a software designing environment, it is important to have a runtime platform. The runtime platform provides the access to main memory and other important features of a system to run a code.

Java运行时环境(Java Runtime Environment)是一种基本的后端技术,它在Java构建代码和操作系统之间建立并创建通信渠道。简单来说,JRE是一个运行时工具,它提供了编写Java代码并运行以获得所需结果的所有资源。

There are two Java components −

  • JDK – Java开发工具包

  • A collection of software development tools to develop an application using Java. You can get many JDK version in matching with its Java version. Like, Java SE needs JDK Java SE.

  • JVM – Java Virtual Machine

  • JVM逐行运行Java代码。当Java应用程序运行时,开发人员配置设置。它还通过使用运行时检查正在运行的Java应用程序的内部存储。




Basically, the .NET build codes compile into a Microsoft Intermediate Language aka MSIL by using Just in Time (JIT) compiler. Clearly, the output will be a machine code (written by a set of class libraries) and it will be produced by a machine processor.

The compiler and the CLR format the C# code to an executable code. Here we get an understanding complex machine environment in .NET. The executable codes can be saved as .exe and .dll files for Windows operating system.

A Java Code Algorithm:-



  • 第一步 - 在IDE中编写源代码。

  • Step 2 − Put It Into The Compiler.

  • 步骤3 - 将其转换为字节码。

  • 步骤 4 − JVM(Windows,MacOS,Linux)。

  • Step 5 − Converted Machine Code.

  • 步骤 6 − 终止进程

A C# Code Algorithm:-

  • Step 1 − Start.

  • Step 2 − Select The Documents.

  • 第三步 - 指令部分。

  • Step 4 − Select Interface.

  • 第五步 - 选择课程。

  • 第6步 - Main()方法声明。

  • 步骤 7 - 没有头文件,导入 .dll 文件。

  • 第8步 - 输入反射


public class Main {
public static void main (String[] args) {
System.out.println ("THE STATEMENT");



using System;

namespace Tutorialspoint {
class Program{
static void Main(string[] args){
Console.WriteLine("Hello Student");


The class using system declares the system namespace. The namespace organises the code as a container. Every line of the written code that runs, must be stay inside a class in C# language.


  • Approach 1: A General Example of a Java Code.

  • 方法二:C#代码的通用示例。


Example 1

public class TableofMultiplication {
public static void main(String[] args) {

int num = 18, j = 1;


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