C++ supports stronger string objects which is actually a class with different member functions associated with them. A string object passing as an argument is similar to the passing of normal primitive datatypes. The syntax is also quite similar.
function_name ( string argument1, string argument2, … ) {
// function body
In the following example, we will see a program to check whether a given string is a palindrome or not. There will be two functions, one will reverse the string, and another will check whether the string is palindrome or not. Let us see the algorithm and corresponding C++ implementation.
- define a function reverse(), this will take a string s
- n := floor of (length of s / 2)
- for i ranging from 0 to n/2; do
- temp := s[i]
- s[i] := s[ n - i - 1 ]
- s[ n - i - 1 ] := temp
- end for
- return s
- end of reverse() function
- 定义一个函数 isPalindrome(),它将接受参数 s
- revS := call reverse() by passing s to reverse the string s
- 如果 s 和 revS 相同,则
- return True
- otherwise
- return False
- end if
- isPalindrome()函数结束
using namespace std;
string reverse( string s ) {
char temp;
int n = s.length();
for( int i = 0; i