Input : string = “110010”
Output : “11000”
Explanation: 1 is found between two zeros at the 4th index.
Input : string = “0010”
Output : “000”
Explanation : 1 is found between two zeros at the 2nd index.
Approach to find The Solution
We can apply a simple approach, i.e., traverse the string using a loop and check the previous and next elements whether they are zeros; if yes, then that index is not zero. After that, update the variable with a new length that stores length and print that string.
using namespace std;
int main () {
string str = "110010";
int length = str.length();
for (int i = 1; i 0 && str.at (i - 1) == '0')
// updating the length of the string after removing the element.
length = str.length ();