2023年 9月 25日 86.6k 0

CDC 11.4 支持的操作系统和数据库版本:…

安装CDC for DB2的文档,参考信息中心:…






[appuser@foticdbxa ~]$ chmod 775 setup-iidr-

IBM CDC安装-1 


[appuser@foticdbxa ~]$ mkdir cdc



1、Log on to the account that you set up for IBM Data Replication - CDC Replication.

2、Download the IBM Data Replication installation file for your UNIX or Linux platform from the IBM web site.

3、Make the installation binary file executable.

4、Run the installation program by typing the following command:

/ .bin

5、Press Enter on the Introduction screen to select Install new product.

6、Enter the number that corresponds to PostgreSQL to select this datastore.

7、Enter the number for the offering that you are entitled to. Contact your sales representative if you need help to determine your entitlement.

8、Enter the absolute path to your installation directory or press Enter to accept the default.

9、Follow the instructions on the screen to navigate through the license agreement. To accept the license agreement, type 1.

10、Enter the absolute path to the folder where you want to your instance and product log to be created or press Enter to accept the default.

11、Review the installation summary. Press Enter to start the installation.

After the installation is finished, you are given the option of launching the configuration tool for IBM Data Replication.

12、Enter 1 to launch the configuration tool.

IBM CDC安装-1 

IBM CDC安装-1 

IBM CDC安装-1 

IBM CDC安装-1 


IBM CDC安装-1 

IBM CDC安装-1 


IBM CDC安装-1 


IBM CDC安装-1 

IBM CDC安装-1 


IBM CDC安装-1 


IBM CDC安装-1 











1、启动CDC配置工具 dmconfigurets,


3、选择 Manage encryption profiles.

4、选 1, Add an encryption profile.


6、设置 engine-to-engine encryption 为 2. Disabled.

7、回车, 代表没有私有密钥

8、为trust store输入一个路径名称.


10、选择 JKS (Java), 回车.

11、到这里,这个加密档案就建完了. 选4, 结束对这个档案的编辑。



当这个实例建成以后, 加密的功能就是禁用的状态。







1、If you are configuring the first instance of CDC Replication after installation, you can proceed to Step 3 of this procedure.

2、At the command prompt, launch the configuration tool by issuing the following command in the specified directory:

*CDC_installation_directory*\bin\dmconfiguretsIBM CDC安装-1


3、At the welcome message, press Enter to continue.

4、Enter 2 and press Enter to add a new instance of IBM® CDC.

5、Enter the name of the instance you want to add and press Enter.

The instance name must be unique.


6、Enter the port number which CDC Replication uses for communication with client workstations running Management Consoleand other servers. CDC Replication displays a default port of . Press Enter.

This port number cannot be used by other applications installed on the same server. You will use this port number when specifying access parameters for your datastore in the Access Manager perspective in Management Console.


7、Enter the maximum amount of disk space that will be utilized by the CDC Replication staging store on your source system. The default value is 100 GB.

Specify 1 GB if you are creating an instance that will be used as a target of replication. This reduces the disk resources that CDC Replication requires on your target system.


8、Enter the amount of physically available RAM that you want to allocate for this instance of CDC Replication and press Enter. By default, the configuration tool allocates 1024 MB of RAM for each instance.

Using values other than the defaults or allocating more RAM than is physically available on your server should only be undertaken after considering the impacts on product performance.


9、Select the encryption profile from the list.

If you would like to enable TLS for communication between source and target, you must select an encryption profile with encryption enabled. Click Manage to view and manage the available encryption profiles. Encryption profiles can be shared between multiple instances of CDC Replication.


10、If you want to use TCP/IP as the exclusive method of communication between datastores, enter n and press Enter. If you want to have the option to use either a JMS provider or TCP/IP as the communications protocol, perform the following steps:

A JMS provider should be used when characteristics of your network prevent the existence of a long-term, stable TCP/IP connection.


a.  Ensure that a queue has been created by your system administrator and is named correctly. Each CDC Replicationinstance that is to use a JMS message provider must have a queue named in the format CDC_ , where   is the five digit TCP listening port number of the instance. You can left-pad the number with zeroes if necessary to ensure five digits (example, CDC_00123).

b.   Enter y and press Enter.

c.   Enter 2 to add a JMS provider.

d.  Enter the fully qualified path to your JMS provider .jar file and press Enter.

e.   Enter 4 and press Enter to complete the configuration of the JMS providers.

f.   Enter 1 to add a JMS connection.

g.   Enter a JMS remote connection factory name and press Enter. For example, jms/ConnectionFactory. A connection factory encapsulates a set of connection configuration parameters that has been defined by an administrator. CDC Replication uses this to create a connection with your JMS provider.

h.   Enter the user name and press Enter.

i.   Enter the password to authenticate to the JMS server and press Enter.

j.   Enter the password a second time to confirm and press Enter.

k.   Enter the JNDI initial context and press Enter.

l.   Enter the URL that is relative to the JNDI Initial Context and press Enter.

m.   Enter the user name for the JNDI Principal and press Enter.

n.    Enter the JNDI credentials password and press Enter.

o.   Enter the password a second time to confirm and press Enter.

p.  Press Enter again to return to the Engine Communication Connection menu.

q.   Press 5 if you want to verify the connection and then press Enter to return to the Engine Communication Connectionmenu.

If the JMS Provider is not configured correctly, CDC Replication will use TCP/IP as the communication protocol between datastores.


r.  Enter 7 to complete the configuration of the engine communication connection.

11、Enter the host name by using a fully qualified path or IP address.

12、Enter the user name for the specified database and press Enter.

13、Enter the password for the specified database and press Enter. The configuration tool will now search the database for schemas.

14、Enter the number that corresponds to the database schema used by CDC Replication for metadata tables and press Enter. You can specify any schema except those in use by other installed instances of CDC Replication for the given database.

15、If CDC Replication detects an unsupported encoding, an error message is displayed and you are asked to choose an alternate encoding.

16、The configuration tool creates the CDC Replication instance and prompts you to start the instance. Enter y to start the instance.

The configuration tool will prompt you if your configuration is about to overwrite the metadata for an existing instance.



IBM CDC安装-1 




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