
2023年 9月 28日 62.5k 0


Plan Hint概念

Plan Hint为用户提供了直接影响执行计划生成的手段,用户可以通过指定join顺序,join、scan方法,指定结果行数,等多个手段来进行执行计划的调优,以提升查询的性能。




表只能用单个字符串表示,不能带schema。 表如果存在别名,需要优先使用别名来表示该表。

join table list中指定的表需要满足以下要求,否则会报语义错误。

  • list中的表必须在当前层或提升的子查询中存在。

  • list中的表在当前层或提升的子查询中必须是唯一的。如果不唯一,需要使用不同的别名进行区分。

  • 同一个表只能在list里出现一次。

  • 如果表存在别名,则list中的表需要使用别名。


leading(t1 t2 t3 t4 t5)表示:t1、t2、t3、t4、t5先join,五表join顺序及内外表不限。leading((t1 t2 t3 t4 t5))表示:t1和t2先join,t2做内表;再和t3 join,t3做内表;再和t4 join,t4做内表;再和t5 join,t5做内表。leading(t1 (t2 t3 t4) t5)表示:t2、t3、t4先join,内外表不限;再和t1、t5 join,内外表不限。leading((t1 (t2 t3 t4) t5))表示:t2、t3、t4先join,内外表不限;在最外层,t1再和t2、t3、t4的join表join,t1为外表,再和t5 join,t5为内表。leading((t1 (t2 t3) t4 t5)) leading((t3 t2))表示:t2、t3先join,t2做内表;然后再和t1 join,t2、t3的join表做内表;然后再依次跟t4、t5做join,t4、t5做内表。



create table store
s_store_sk integer not null,
s_store_id char(16) not null,
s_rec_start_date date ,
s_rec_end_date date ,
s_closed_date_sk integer ,
s_store_name varchar(50) ,
s_number_employees integer ,
s_floor_space integer ,
s_hours char(20) ,
s_manager varchar(40) ,
s_market_id integer ,
s_geography_class varchar(100) ,
s_market_desc varchar(100) ,
s_market_manager varchar(40) ,
s_division_id integer ,
s_division_name varchar(50) ,
s_company_id integer ,
s_company_name varchar(50) ,
s_street_number varchar(10) ,
s_street_name varchar(60) ,
s_street_type char(15) ,
s_suite_number char(10) ,
s_city varchar(60) ,
s_county varchar(30) ,
s_state char(2) ,
s_zip char(10) ,
s_country varchar(20) ,
s_gmt_offset decimal(5,2) ,
s_tax_precentage decimal(5,2) ,
primary key (s_store_sk)
create table store_sales
ss_sold_date_sk integer ,
ss_sold_time_sk integer ,
ss_item_sk integer not null,
ss_customer_sk integer ,
ss_cdemo_sk integer ,
ss_hdemo_sk integer ,
ss_addr_sk integer ,
ss_store_sk integer ,
ss_promo_sk integer ,
ss_ticket_number integer not null,
ss_quantity integer ,
ss_wholesale_cost decimal(7,2) ,
ss_list_price decimal(7,2) ,
ss_sales_price decimal(7,2) ,
ss_ext_discount_amt decimal(7,2) ,
ss_ext_sales_price decimal(7,2) ,
ss_ext_wholesale_cost decimal(7,2) ,
ss_ext_list_price decimal(7,2) ,
ss_ext_tax decimal(7,2) ,
ss_coupon_amt decimal(7,2) ,
ss_net_paid decimal(7,2) ,
ss_net_paid_inc_tax decimal(7,2) ,
ss_net_profit decimal(7,2) ,
primary key (ss_item_sk, ss_ticket_number)
create table store_returns
sr_returned_date_sk integer ,
sr_return_time_sk integer ,
sr_item_sk integer not null,
sr_customer_sk integer ,
sr_cdemo_sk integer ,
sr_hdemo_sk integer ,
sr_addr_sk integer ,
sr_store_sk integer ,
sr_reason_sk integer ,
sr_ticket_number integer not null,
sr_return_quantity integer ,
sr_return_amt decimal(7,2) ,
sr_return_tax decimal(7,2) ,
sr_return_amt_inc_tax decimal(7,2) ,
sr_fee decimal(7,2) ,
sr_return_ship_cost decimal(7,2) ,
sr_refunded_cash decimal(7,2) ,
sr_reversed_charge decimal(7,2) ,
sr_store_credit decimal(7,2) ,
sr_net_loss decimal(7,2) ,
primary key (sr_item_sk, sr_ticket_number)
create table customer
c_customer_sk integer not null,
c_customer_id char(16) not null,
c_current_cdemo_sk integer ,
c_current_hdemo_sk integer ,
c_current_addr_sk integer ,
c_first_shipto_date_sk integer ,
c_first_sales_date_sk integer ,
c_salutation char(10) ,
c_first_name char(20) ,
c_last_name char(30) ,
c_preferred_cust_flag char(1) ,
c_birth_day integer ,
c_birth_month integer ,
c_birth_year integer ,
c_birth_country varchar(20) ,
c_login char(13) ,
c_email_address char(50) ,
c_last_review_date char(10) ,
primary key (c_customer_sk)
create table promotion
p_promo_sk integer not null,
p_promo_id char(16) not null,
p_start_date_sk integer ,
p_end_date_sk integer ,
p_item_sk integer ,
p_cost decimal(15,2) ,
p_response_target integer ,
p_promo_name char(50) ,
p_channel_dmail char(1) ,
p_channel_email char(1) ,
p_channel_catalog char(1) ,
p_channel_tv char(1) ,
p_channel_radio char(1) ,
p_channel_press char(1) ,
p_channel_event char(1) ,
p_channel_demo char(1) ,
p_channel_details varchar(100) ,
p_purpose char(15) ,
p_discount_active char(1) ,
primary key (p_promo_sk)
create table customer_address
ca_address_sk integer not null,
ca_address_id char(16) not null,
ca_street_number char(10) ,
ca_street_name varchar(60) ,
ca_street_type char(15) ,
ca_suite_number char(10) ,
ca_city varchar(60) ,
ca_county varchar(30) ,
ca_state char(2) ,
ca_zip char(10) ,
ca_country varchar(20) ,
ca_gmt_offset decimal(5,2) ,
ca_location_type char(20) ,
primary key (ca_address_sk)
create table item
i_item_sk integer not null,
i_item_id char(16) not null,
i_rec_start_date date ,
i_rec_end_date date ,
i_item_desc varchar(200) ,
i_current_price decimal(7,2) ,
i_wholesale_cost decimal(7,2) ,
i_brand_id integer ,
i_brand char(50) ,
i_class_id integer ,
i_class char(50) ,
i_category_id integer ,
i_category char(50) ,
i_manufact_id integer ,
i_manufact char(50) ,
i_size char(20) ,
i_formulation char(20) ,
i_color char(20) ,
i_units char(10) ,
i_container char(10) ,
i_manager_id integer ,
i_product_name char(50) ,
primary key (i_item_sk)
i_product_name product_name
,i_item_sk item_sk
,s_store_name store_name
,s_zip store_zip
,ad2.ca_street_number c_street_number
,ad2.ca_street_name c_street_name
,ad2.ca_city c_city
,ad2.ca_zip c_zip
,count(*) cnt
,sum(ss_wholesale_cost) s1
,sum(ss_list_price) s2
,sum(ss_coupon_amt) s3
FROM store_sales
,customer_address ad2
WHERE ss_store_sk = s_store_sk AND
ss_customer_sk = c_customer_sk AND
ss_item_sk = i_item_sk and
ss_item_sk = sr_item_sk and
ss_ticket_number = sr_ticket_number and
c_current_addr_sk = ad2.ca_address_sk and
ss_promo_sk = p_promo_sk and
i_color in ('maroon','burnished','dim','steel','navajo','chocolate') and
i_current_price between 35 and 35 + 10 and
i_current_price between 35 + 1 and 35 + 15
group by i_product_name



HashAggregate (cost=23.52..23.53 rows=1 width=880)
Group By Key: item.i_product_name, item.i_item_sk, store.s_store_name, store.s_zip, ad2.ca_street_number, ad2.ca_street_name, ad2.ca_city, ad2.ca_zip
-> Nested Loop (cost=4.27..23.49 rows=1 width=776)
-> Nested Loop (cost=4.27..22.80 rows=1 width=416)
-> Nested Loop (cost=4.27..22.39 rows=1 width=420)
-> Nested Loop (cost=4.27..21.98 rows=1 width=420)
-> Nested Loop (cost=4.27..21.57 rows=1 width=262)
Join Filter: (item.i_item_sk = store_sales.ss_item_sk)
-> Nested Loop (cost=4.27..20.78 rows=2 width=216)
-> Seq Scan on item (cost=0.00..11.16 rows=1 width=208)
Filter: ((i_current_price >= 35::numeric) AND (i_current_price = 36::numeric) AND (i_current_price Bitmap Heap Scan on store_returns (cost=4.27..9.61 rows=2 width=8)
Recheck Cond: (sr_item_sk = item.i_item_sk)
-> Bitmap Index Scan on store_returns_pkey (cost=0.00..4.26 rows=2 width=0)
Index Cond: (sr_item_sk = item.i_item_sk)
-> Index Scan using store_sales_pkey on store_sales (cost=0.00..0.38 rows=1 width=62)
Index Cond: ((ss_item_sk = store_returns.sr_item_sk) AND (ss_ticket_number = store_returns.sr_ticket_number))
-> Index Scan using store_pkey on store (cost=0.00..0.40 rows=1 width=166)
Index Cond: (s_store_sk = store_sales.ss_store_sk)
-> Index Scan using customer_pkey on customer (cost=0.00..0.40 rows=1 width=8)
Index Cond: (c_customer_sk = store_sales.ss_customer_sk)
-> Index Only Scan using promotion_pkey on promotion (cost=0.00..0.40 rows=1 width=4)
Index Cond: (p_promo_sk = store_sales.ss_promo_sk)
-> Index Scan using customer_address_pkey on customer_address ad2 (cost=0.00..0.68 rows=1 width=368)
Index Cond: (ca_address_sk = customer.c_current_addr_sk)
(25 rows)


select /*+ leading((((((store_sales store) promotion) item) customer) ad2) store_returns) leading((store_sales store))*/
i_product_name product_name
,i_item_sk item_sk
,s_store_name store_name
,s_zip store_zip
,ad2.ca_street_number c_street_number
,ad2.ca_street_name c_street_name
,ad2.ca_city c_city
,ad2.ca_zip c_zip
,count(*) cnt
,sum(ss_wholesale_cost) s1
,sum(ss_list_price) s2
,sum(ss_coupon_amt) s3
FROM store_sales
,customer_address ad2
WHERE ss_store_sk = s_store_sk AND
ss_customer_sk = c_customer_sk AND
ss_item_sk = i_item_sk and
ss_item_sk = sr_item_sk and
ss_ticket_number = sr_ticket_number and
c_current_addr_sk = ad2.ca_address_sk and
ss_promo_sk = p_promo_sk and
i_color in ('maroon','burnished','dim','steel','navajo','chocolate') and
i_current_price between 35 and 35 + 10 and
i_current_price between 35 + 1 and 35 + 15
group by i_product_name

使用Hint指定表之间的join关系是: store_sales和store先join,store做内表,然后依次跟promotion, item, customer, ad2, store_returns做join,执行计划如下。

WARNING: Duplicated or conflict hint: Leading(store_sales store), will be discarded.

HashAggregate (cost=52.63..52.64 rows=1 width=880)
Group By Key: item.i_product_name, item.i_item_sk, store.s_store_name, store.s_zip, ad2.ca_street_number, ad2.ca_street_name, ad2.ca_city, ad2.ca_zip
-> Nested Loop (cost=23.65..52.60 rows=1 width=776)
-> Nested Loop (cost=23.65..52.19 rows=1 width=784)
-> Nested Loop (cost=23.65..51.50 rows=1 width=424)
-> Nested Loop (cost=23.65..51.09 rows=1 width=424)
Join Filter: (store_sales.ss_item_sk = item.i_item_sk)
-> Seq Scan on item (cost=0.00..11.16 rows=1 width=208)
Filter: ((i_current_price >= 35::numeric) AND (i_current_price = 36::numeric) AND (i_current_price Hash Join (cost=23.65..39.38 rows=44 width=216)
Hash Cond: (store_sales.ss_promo_sk = promotion.p_promo_sk)
-> Hash Join (cost=10.99..26.05 rows=74 width=220)
Hash Cond: (store_sales.ss_store_sk = store.s_store_sk)
-> Seq Scan on store_sales (cost=0.00..13.38 rows=338 width=62)
-> Hash (cost=10.44..10.44 rows=44 width=166)
-> Seq Scan on store (cost=0.00..10.44 rows=44 width=166)
-> Hash (cost=11.18..11.18 rows=118 width=4)
-> Seq Scan on promotion (cost=0.00..11.18 rows=118 width=4)
-> Index Scan using customer_pkey on customer (cost=0.00..0.40 rows=1 width=8)
Index Cond: (c_customer_sk = store_sales.ss_customer_sk)
-> Index Scan using customer_address_pkey on customer_address ad2 (cost=0.00..0.68 rows=1 width=368)
Index Cond: (ca_address_sk = customer.c_current_addr_sk)
-> Index Only Scan using store_returns_pkey on store_returns (cost=0.00..0.41 rows=1 width=8)
Index Cond: ((sr_item_sk = store_sales.ss_item_sk) AND (sr_ticket_number = store_sales.ss_ticket_number))
(24 rows)



create table a (id int,name varchar(10));
create table b (id int,name varchar(10));
explain select * from a , b where =;
explain select * from a left join b on =;
explain select * from b right join a on =;
explain select * from b , a where =;
explain select * from b left join a on =;
explain select * from a right join b on =;
Hash Join (cost=1.18..30.69 rows=53 width=30)
Hash Cond: (( = (
-> Seq Scan on b (cost=0.00..25.13 rows=1513 width=24)
-> Hash (cost=1.08..1.08 rows=8 width=6)
-> Seq Scan on a (cost=0.00..1.08 rows=8 width=6)
(5 rows)

openGauss=# explain select /*+ leading((a b))*/ * from a , b where =;
Hash Join (cost=44.04..45.75 rows=53 width=30)
Hash Cond: (( = (
-> Seq Scan on a (cost=0.00..1.08 rows=8 width=6)
-> Hash (cost=25.13..25.13 rows=1513 width=24)
-> Seq Scan on b (cost=0.00..25.13 rows=1513 width=24)
(5 rows)


指明Join使用的方法,可以为Nested Loop,Hash Join和Merge Join。

[no] nestloop|hashjoin|mergejoin(table_list)


  • no表示hint的join方式不使用。

  • table_list为表示hint表集合的字符串,该字符串中的表与join_table_list相同,只是中间不允许出现括号指定join的优先级。


no nestloop(t1 t2 t3)表示: 生成t1,t2,t3三表连接计划时,不使用nestloop。三表连接计划可能是t2 t3先join,再跟t1 join,或t1 t2先join,再跟t3 join。此hint只hint最后一次join的join方式,对于两表连接的方法不hint。如果需要,可以单独指定,例如: 任意表均不允许nestloop连接,且希望t2 t3先join,则增加hint: no nestloop(t2 t3)。

Join方式指定hash join


select /*+ hashjoin(store_sales store_returns item) */
i_product_name product_name
,i_item_sk item_sk
,s_store_name store_name
,s_zip store_zip
,ad2.ca_street_number c_street_number
,ad2.ca_street_name c_street_name
,ad2.ca_city c_city
,ad2.ca_zip c_zip
,count(*) cnt
,sum(ss_wholesale_cost) s1
,sum(ss_list_price) s2
,sum(ss_coupon_amt) s3
FROM store_sales
,customer_address ad2
WHERE ss_store_sk = s_store_sk AND
ss_customer_sk = c_customer_sk AND
ss_item_sk = i_item_sk and
ss_item_sk = sr_item_sk and
ss_ticket_number = sr_ticket_number and
c_current_addr_sk = ad2.ca_address_sk and
ss_promo_sk = p_promo_sk and
i_color in ('maroon','burnished','dim','steel','navajo','chocolate') and
i_current_price between 35 and 35 + 10 and
i_current_price between 35 + 1 and 35 + 15
group by i_product_name



HashAggregate (cost=38.69..38.70 rows=1 width=880)
Group By Key: item.i_product_name, item.i_item_sk, store.s_store_name, store.s_zip, ad2.ca_street_number, ad2.ca_street_name, ad2.ca_city, ad2.ca_zip
-> Nested Loop (cost=20.81..38.66 rows=1 width=776)
-> Nested Loop (cost=20.81..37.97 rows=1 width=416)
-> Nested Loop (cost=20.81..37.56 rows=1 width=420)
-> Nested Loop (cost=20.81..37.15 rows=1 width=420)
-> Hash Join (cost=20.81..36.74 rows=1 width=262)
Hash Cond: ((store_sales.ss_item_sk = store_returns.sr_item_sk) AND (store_sales.ss_ticket_number = store_returns.sr_ticket_number))
-> Seq Scan on store_sales (cost=0.00..13.38 rows=338 width=62)
-> Hash (cost=20.78..20.78 rows=2 width=216)
-> Nested Loop (cost=4.27..20.78 rows=2 width=216)
-> Seq Scan on item (cost=0.00..11.16 rows=1 width=208)
Filter: ((i_current_price >= 35::numeric) AND (i_current_price = 36::numeric) AND (i_current_price Bitmap Heap Scan on store_returns (cost=4.27..9.61 rows=2 width=8)
Recheck Cond: (sr_item_sk = item.i_item_sk)
-> Bitmap Index Scan on store_returns_pkey (cost=0.00..4.26 rows=2 width=0)
Index Cond: (sr_item_sk = item.i_item_sk)
-> Index Scan using store_pkey on store (cost=0.00..0.40 rows=1 width=166)
Index Cond: (s_store_sk = store_sales.ss_store_sk)
-> Index Scan using customer_pkey on customer (cost=0.00..0.40 rows=1 width=8)
Index Cond: (c_customer_sk = store_sales.ss_customer_sk)
-> Index Only Scan using promotion_pkey on promotion (cost=0.00..0.40 rows=1 width=4)
Index Cond: (p_promo_sk = store_sales.ss_promo_sk)
-> Index Scan using customer_address_pkey on customer_address ad2 (cost=0.00..0.68 rows=1 width=368)
Index Cond: (ca_address_sk = customer.c_current_addr_sk)
(25 rows)



set track_stmt_stat_level = 'L1,L1';

i_product_name product_name
,i_item_sk item_sk
,s_store_name store_name
,s_zip store_zip
,ad2.ca_street_number c_street_number
,ad2.ca_street_name c_street_name
,ad2.ca_city c_city
,ad2.ca_zip c_zip
,count(*) cnt
,sum(ss_wholesale_cost) s1
,sum(ss_list_price) s2
,sum(ss_coupon_amt) s3
FROM store_sales
,customer_address ad2
WHERE ss_store_sk = s_store_sk AND
ss_customer_sk = c_customer_sk AND
ss_item_sk = i_item_sk and
ss_item_sk = sr_item_sk and
ss_ticket_number = sr_ticket_number and
c_current_addr_sk = ad2.ca_address_sk and
ss_promo_sk = p_promo_sk and
i_color in ('maroon','burnished','dim','steel','navajo','chocolate') and
i_current_price between 35 and 35 + 10 and
i_current_price between 35 + 1 and 35 + 15
group by i_product_name

select unique_query_id, query, query_plan from dbe_perf.statement_history where query like '%product_name%';

select * from dbe_sql_util.create_hint_sql_patch('patch1', 2391068452, 'hashjoin(store_sales store_returns item)');

openGauss=# explain select i_product_name product_name
,i_item_sk item_sk
,s_store_name store_name
,s_zip store_zip
,ad2.ca_street_number c_street_number
,ad2.ca_street_name c_street_name
,ad2.ca_city c_city
,ad2.ca_zip c_zip
,count(*) cnt
,sum(ss_wholesale_cost) s1
,sum(ss_list_price) s2
,sum(ss_coupon_amt) s3
FROM store_sales
,customer_address ad2
WHERE ss_store_sk = s_store_sk AND
ss_customer_sk = c_customer_sk AND
ss_item_sk = i_item_sk and
ss_item_sk = sr_item_sk and
ss_ticket_number = sr_ticket_number and
c_current_addr_sk = ad2.ca_address_sk and
ss_promo_sk = p_promo_sk and
i_color in ('maroon','burnished','dim','steel','navajo','chocolate') and
i_current_price between 35 and 35 + 10 and
i_current_price between 35 + 1 and 35 + 15
group by i_product_name
NOTICE: Plan influenced by SQL hint patch

HashAggregate (cost=38.69..38.70 rows=1 width=880)
Group By Key: item.i_product_name, item.i_item_sk, store.s_store_name, store.s_zip, ad2.ca_street_number, ad2.ca_street_name, ad2.ca_city, ad2.ca_zip
-> Nested Loop (cost=20.81..38.66 rows=1 width=776)
-> Nested Loop (cost=20.81..37.97 rows=1 width=416)
-> Nested Loop (cost=20.81..37.56 rows=1 width=420)
-> Nested Loop (cost=20.81..37.15 rows=1 width=420)
-> Hash Join (cost=20.81..36.74 rows=1 width=262)
Hash Cond: ((store_sales.ss_item_sk = store_returns.sr_item_sk) AND (store_sales.ss_ticket_number = store_returns.sr_ticket_numbe
-> Seq Scan on store_sales (cost=0.00..13.38 rows=338 width=62)
-> Hash (cost=20.78..20.78 rows=2 width=216)
-> Nested Loop (cost=4.27..20.78 rows=2 width=216)
-> Seq Scan on item (cost=0.00..11.16 rows=1 width=208)
Filter: ((i_current_price >= 35::numeric) AND (i_current_price = 36::nume
ric) AND (i_current_price Bitmap Heap Scan on store_returns (cost=4.27..9.61 rows=2 width=8)
Recheck Cond: (sr_item_sk = item.i_item_sk)
-> Bitmap Index Scan on store_returns_pkey (cost=0.00..4.26 rows=2 width=0)
Index Cond: (sr_item_sk = item.i_item_sk)
-> Index Scan using store_pkey on store (cost=0.00..0.40 rows=1 width=166)
Index Cond: (s_store_sk = store_sales.ss_store_sk)
-> Index Scan using customer_pkey on customer (cost=0.00..0.40 rows=1 width=8)
Index Cond: (c_customer_sk = store_sales.ss_customer_sk)
-> Index Only Scan using promotion_pkey on promotion (cost=0.00..0.40 rows=1 width=4)
Index Cond: (p_promo_sk = store_sales.ss_promo_sk)
-> Index Scan using customer_address_pkey on customer_address ad2 (cost=0.00..0.68 rows=1 width=368)
Index Cond: (ca_address_sk = customer.c_current_addr_sk)
(25 rows)



Awesome Project: 探索 MatrixOrigin 云原生分布式数据库
Oracle 导出CSV工具-sqluldr2
