AMD发布支持SMU 14.0 IP的Linux图形驱动程序补丁

2023年 10月 10日 26.5k 0


GFX 11.5图形块启用

DCN 3.5显示块
,并启用其他指向RDNA3.5/“RDNA3刷新”类型产品中潜在用途的新知识产权(IP)块。今天发布的补丁使SMU 14.0成为该区块的一个明显的重大更新。

AMD Radeon图形处理器上的SMU实际上是运行电源管理固件并负责GPU的各种电源管理任务的系统管理单元。

posted today enable the SMU 14.0 support for the AMDGPU kernel graphics driver. The new code is 3.7k lines for enabling SMU 14.0, in part due to the auto-generated code. The new code doesn't reveal any key details about any power management changes coming with the next-gen AMD graphics. In any event it's good seeing this code continue to flow out pre-launch so that it will ideally be all upstreamed in the mainline Linux kernel prior to any graphics processors appearing with this new IP.


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