oracle 19c 静默建库、删库

2023年 10月 25日 41.6k 0


[oracle@rac-node1 ~]$ dbca -silent -ignorePreReqs -ignorePrereqFailure -createDatabase -templateName General_Purpose.dbc -responseFile NO_VALUE \

> -gdbname test19c -sid test19c \

> -createAsContainerDatabase TRUE \

> -sysPassword oracle -systemPassword oracle -pdbAdminPassword oracle -dbsnmpPassword oracle \

> -datafileDestination '+TEST19C' -recoveryAreaDestination '+TEST19C' \

> -redoLogFileSize 200 \

> -storageType ASM \

> -characterset AL32UTF8 \

> -sampleSchema true \

> -totalMemory 8192 \

> -databaseType MULTIPURPOSE \

> -emConfiguration none \

> -nodeinfo rac-node1,rac-node2

Prepare for db operation

8% complete

Copying database files

33% complete

Creating and starting Oracle instance

34% complete

35% complete

39% complete

44% complete

47% complete

50% complete

Creating cluster database views

52% complete

67% complete

Completing Database Creation

71% complete

73% complete

75% complete

Executing Post Configuration Actions

100% complete

Database creation complete. For details check the logfiles at:


Database Information:

Global Database Name:test19c

System Identifier(SID) Prefix:test19c

Look at the log file "/u01/app/oracle/cfgtoollogs/dbca/test19c/test19c.log" for further details.

[oracle@rac-node1 ~]$


[oracle@rac-node1 ~]$ dbca -silent -deletedatabase -sourcedb test19c

Enter SYS user password:

[WARNING] [DBT-19202] The Database Configuration Assistant will delete the Oracle instances and datafiles for your database. All information in the database will be destroyed.

Prepare for db operation

32% complete

Connecting to database

39% complete

42% complete

45% complete

48% complete

52% complete

55% complete

58% complete

65% complete

Updating network configuration files

68% complete

Deleting instances and datafiles

77% complete

87% complete

97% complete

100% complete

Database deletion completed.

Look at the log file "/u01/app/oracle/cfgtoollogs/dbca/TEST19C/TEST19C.log" for further details.

[oracle@rac-node1 ~]$ 


Awesome Project: 探索 MatrixOrigin 云原生分布式数据库
Oracle 导出CSV工具-sqluldr2
