苹果宣布推出M3/M3 Pro/M3 Max

2023年 10月 31日 48.3k 0

苹果公司今晚宣布,M3、M3 Pro和M3 Max是他们宣传的个人电脑“最先进的芯片”,并利用了台积电的3nm工艺。

在仍然新鲜的Apple M2之上,M3推出了下一代GPU架构、更快的CPU、改进的神经引擎,并支持更大的统一内存。


同时,CPU性能核心据说比M1快30%(是的,M1是参考,而不是M2),而效率核心据说快50%(再次以M1为基准)。Apple M3的新媒体引擎还增加了对AV1视频解码的支持。


“M3、M3 Pro和M3 Max中的下一代CPU对性能和效率核心进行了架构改进。性能核心比M1系列快30%,因此在Xcode中编译和测试数百万行代码等任务甚至更快,音乐家可以在Logic Pro中使用数百首音轨、插件和虚拟乐器效率核心比M1中的效率核心快50%,因此日常任务比以往任何时候都快,同时使系统能够最大限度地延长电池寿命。这些核心共同创建了一个CPU,它可以提供与M1相同的多线程性能,只需使用一半的功率,在峰值功率时可以提高35%的性能。“

Apple M3的统一内存架构允许高达128GB的内存。M3具有8个CPU和10核GPU,M3 Pro具有12核CPU和18核GPU,而M3 Max具有16核CPU和高达40核GPU。

苹果M3系列最初将出现在新款MacBook Pro和iMac系统中。

Of course, for most Phoronix readers you are interested in making use of Apple Silicon on Linux... For which the Asahi Linux project continues striving in that effort to provide support for Apple Silcion platforms. Asahi Linux as a distribution continues working out well on Apple M1 and M2 hardware while now M3 will be their next major quest. In terms of upstream Linux support for Apple Silicon though there still is a lot particularly around the M2 still to be upstreamed. So with Apple M3, it will still likely be some ways out before finding nice upstream support for the newest Apple hardware on Linux -- especially with the next-gen Apple graphics architecture where for Apple M1/M2 the OpenGL and (much earlier in its state) Vulkan support for Mesa code. So frankly those buying a laptop for Linux use in the near-term will still be better off with an Intel or AMD based solution. In any event it will be interesting to see how the Apple M3 enablement under Linux proceeds and you will be able to find out news on its progress via Phoronix.


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