PCISIG宣布“;CopprLink”;PCI Express电缆名称

2023年 11月 15日 78.6k 0

在丹佛举行的SC23会议上,PCI-SIG团队发布了一份新闻稿,他们宣布了下一代PCI Express布线的命名。。。CopprLink。


“PCI-SIG宣布PCIe内部和外部电缆的新命名方案将是CopprLink™. PCIe 5.0和PCIe 6.0内部和外部电缆规范目前正在开发中,计划于2024年发布。”

CopperLink将用作即将推出的PCIe 5和PCIe 6内部/外部布线的名称。这就是他们通过电子邮件发送的公告,没有关于CopprLink PCIe电缆的其他技术细节。虽然要到明年才能发布,但在SC23上,他们展示了HPC的各种其他PCIe演示。

Sadly, no other details were shared at this time on these upcoming CopprLink PCIe cables. The name is arguably a bit odd and separately there is already CopperLink Ethernet cables from a company Patton Electronics. CopprLink hasn't appeared yet on the USPTO trademark search for reavealing its styling or other details.


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