MySQL 主从复制异常问题分析(Error_code 1317)

2023年 12月 28日 94.2k 0


Table of Contents

  • 问题描述
  • 问题分析
  • 场景模拟
  • 测试总结
  • 问题处理
  • 使用建议
  • 遗留问题


某日,接收到生产环境从库复制异常告警信息,数据库版本为 MySQL 5.5.18


Relay_Master_Log_File: mysql-bin.000323
Slave_IO_Running: Yes
Last_Errno: 1317
Last_Error: Query partially completed on the master (error on master: 1317) and was aborted. There is a chance that your master is inconsistent at this point. If you are sure that your master is ok, run this query manually on the slave and then restart the slave with SET GLOBAL SQL_SLAVE_SKIP_COUNTER=1; START SLAVE; . Query: 'update robot_heart_record set status_new='0',create_time=now() where robot_id='760b6ba795ef4b28b4a054136e69d510''
Relay_Master_Log_Pos: 647994218


231226 9:25:22 [ERROR] Slave SQL: Query partially completed on the master (error on master: 1317) and was aborted. There is a chance that your master is inconsistent at this point. If you are sure that your master is ok, run this query manually on the slave and then restart the slave with SET GLOBAL SQL_SLAVE_SKIP_COUNTER=1; START SLAVE; . Query: 'update robot_heart_record set status_new='0',create_time=now() where robot_id='760b6ba795ef4b28b4a054136e69d510'',Error_code: 1317
231226 9:25:22 [ERROR] Error running query,slave SQL thread aborted. Fix the problem,and restart the slave SQL thread with "SLAVE START". we stopped at log 'mysql-bin.000323' position 647994218

由上述信息,可以看出从库在回放主库日志到 position 647994218 后,执行中断,错误代码为 1317。同时根据报错信息 Query partially completed on the master (error on master: 1317) and was aborted. 提示,主库执行时中断,但部分执行完成,这里需注意,该现象并不符合事务的原子性。

通过排查发现,robot_heart_record 表存储引擎为 MyISAM,该引擎并不支持事务。


create table `t1` (
`id` int(11) not null auto_increment,
`uid` int(11) default null,
`status` varchar(20) default null,
`create_time` datetime default null,
primary key (`id`),
key `uid` (`uid`)
) engine=MyISAM default

另,通过对主库 binlog 日志解析发现,数据库 binlog_format 设置的是 mixed 模式(这里需要注意,在后续模拟中,不同模式下主从复制表现也存在差异)。


1.MyISAM 引擎不支持事务,执行中断后,部分操作仍能执行成功;

2.binlog_format 模式为 mixed 时,实际上是 statement 和 row 模式的混合,针对某些操作,只记录执行的 sql (比如复制报错信息中的 update 语句);



1.创建测试表 t1、t2,其中 t1 为 MyISAM 表,t2 为 INNODB 表;

# t1 , MyISAM 表
drop table if exists t1;
create table `t1` (
`id` int(11) not null auto_increment,
`uid` int(11) default null,
`status` varchar(20) default null,
`create_time` datetime default null,
primary key (`id`),
key `uid` (`uid`)
) engine=MyISAM default charset=utf8;

# t2 , INNODB 表
drop table if exists t2;
create table `t2` (
`id` int(11) not null auto_increment,
`uid` int(11) default null,
`status` varchar(20) default null,
`create_time` datetime default null,
primary key (`id`),
key `uid` (`uid`)
) engine=innodb default charset=utf8;


# t1 表写入数据
drop procedure if exists idata;

delimiter ;;
create procedure idata()
declare i int;
set i=1;
while (i


Awesome Project: 探索 MatrixOrigin 云原生分布式数据库
Oracle 导出CSV工具-sqluldr2
