
2024年 1月 6日 54.6k 0


从2012年到2020年底在Canonical工作的开发人员Zygmunt Krynicki今天分享说,他将返回公司从事跨分发快照支持工作。


Zygmunt在离开公司之前曾在Canonical on Snapd工作过。他今天写道福斯多龙:


It will be interesting to see where this work leads for improving Snap support across Linux distributions / outside of Ubuntu. It will also be interesting to see if Canonical manages to lure any of the interest away from Flatpak on these other Linux operating systems. One way or another, interesting times ahead. With Ubuntu 24.04 being a Long-Term Support (LTS) cycle, Canonical will likely be investing a lot the next few months in better polishing their Snap support on Ubuntu and perhaps we'll see a few more performance improvements too with that being one of the biggest frustrations of current Snap use around slow app start-up time and the like.


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