
2024年 1月 11日 40.2k 0

周琦放2021-12-31 14:14:38


主机信息 IP地址 主机名 Linux 版本
主节点 ogpri Centos7.6
从节点 ogsta


Opengauss 下载地址:



修改 /etc/selinux/config文件中的“SELINUX”值为“disabled

[root@ogpri openGauss]# more /etc/selinux/config # This file controls the state of SELinux on the system.# SELINUX= can take one of these three values:# enforcing - SELinux security policy is enforced.# permissive - SELinux prints warnings instead of enforcing.# disabled - No SELinux policy is loaded.SELINUX=disabled# SELINUXTYPE= can take one of three values:# targeted - Targeted processes are protected,# minimum - Modification of targeted policy. Only selected processes are protected.# mls - Multi Level Security protection.SELINUXTYPE=targeted


systemctl disable firewalld.servicesystemctl stop firewalld.service



vim /etc/ssh/sshd_config PermitRootLogin yes


systemctl restart sshd.service


echo never > /sys/kernel/mm/transparent_hugepage/enabled


root 用户下执行,所有的节点都要安装,建议配置本地yum源

yum -y install libaio-devel flex bison ncurses-devel glibc-devel patch redhat-lsb-core readline-devel


yum install bzip2-devel db4-devel gdbm-devel libpcap-devel openssl openssl-devel sqlite-devel tk-devel xz-devel zlib* gcc*


tar -xvf Python-3.6.8.tar.xzcd Python-3.6.8/./configure --prefix=/usr/local/python3 --enable-shared CFLAGS=-fPICmake && make install

设置python3 软连接

ln -s /usr/local/Python3/bin/python3 /usr/bin/python3ln -s /usr/local/python3/bin/pip3 /usr/bin/pip3


vi /etc/profile export PYTHON_HOME=/usr/local/python3.6.8export PATH=PATH:PATH:PATH:PYTHON_HOME/bin:wq Source /etc/profile


[root@ogpri ~]# python3Python 3.6.8 (default, Dec 27 2021, 21:52:53)[GCC 4.8.5 20150623 (Red Hat 4.8.5-36)] on linuxType “help”, “copyright”, “credits” or “license” for more information.>>>

安装opengaussdb 数据库软件



mkdir -p /opt/software/openGausschmod 755 -R /opt/software



vi /opt/software/openGauss/cluster_config.xml



/opt/software/openGauss/script/gs_preinstall -U omm -G dbgrp -X /opt/software/openGauss/cluster_config.xml


[root@ogpri script]# /opt/software/openGauss/script/gs_preinstall -U omm -G dbgrp -X /opt/software/openGauss/cluster_config.xmlParsing the configuration file.Successfully parsed the configuration file.Installing the tools on the local node.Successfully installed the tools on the local node.Are you sure you want to create trust for root (yes/no)? yesPlease enter password for root.Password:Creating SSH trust for the root permission user.Checking network information.All nodes in the network are Normal.Successfully checked network information.Creating SSH trust.Creating the local key file.Successfully created the local key files.Appending local ID to authorized_keys.Successfully appended local ID to authorized_keys.Updating the known_hosts file.Successfully updated the known_hosts file.Appending authorized_key on the remote node.Successfully appended authorized_key on all remote node.Checking common authentication file content.Successfully checked common authentication content.Distributing SSH trust file to all node.Successfully distributed SSH trust file to all node.Verifying SSH trust on all hosts.Successfully verified SSH trust on all hosts.Successfully created SSH trust.Successfully created SSH trust for the root permission user.Setting pssh pathSuccessfully set core path.Distributing package.Begin to distribute package to tool path.Successfully distribute package to tool path.Begin to distribute package to package path.Successfully distribute package to package path.Successfully distributed package.Are you sure you want to create the user[omm] and create trust for it (yes/no)? yesPreparing SSH service.Successfully prepared SSH service.Installing the tools in the cluster.Successfully installed the tools in the cluster.Checking hostname mapping.Successfully checked hostname mapping.Creating SSH trust for [omm] user.Please enter password for current user[omm].Password:Checking network information.All nodes in the network are Normal.Successfully checked network information.Creating SSH trust.Creating the local key file.Successfully created the local key files.Appending local ID to authorized_keys.Successfully appended local ID to authorized_keys.Updating the known_hosts file.Successfully updated the known_hosts file.Appending authorized_key on the remote node.Successfully appended authorized_key on all remote node.Checking common authentication file content.Successfully checked common authentication content.Distributing SSH trust file to all node.Successfully distributed SSH trust file to all node.Verifying SSH trust on all hosts.Successfully verified SSH trust on all hosts.Successfully created SSH trust.Successfully created SSH trust for [omm] user.Checking OS software.Successfully check os software.Checking OS version.Successfully checked OS version.Creating cluster’s path.Successfully created cluster’s path.Set and check OS parameter.Setting OS parameters.Successfully set OS parameters.Warning: Installation environment contains some warning messages.Please get more details by “/opt/software/openGauss/script/gs_checkos -i A -h ogpri,ogsta --detail”.Set and check OS parameter completed.Preparing CRON service.Successfully prepared CRON service.Setting user environmental variables.Successfully set user environmental variables.Setting the dynamic link library.Successfully set the dynamic link library.Setting Core fileSuccessfully set core path.Setting pssh pathSuccessfully set pssh path.Setting Cgroup.Successfully set Cgroup.Set ARM Optimization.No need to set ARM Optimization.Fixing server package owner.Setting finish flag.Successfully set finish flag.Preinstallation succeeded.


su - ommgs_install -X /opt/software/openGauss/cluster_config.xml


Parsing the configuration file.Check preinstall on every node.Successfully checked preinstall on every node.Creating the backup directory.Successfully created the backup directory.begin deploy…Installing the cluster.begin prepare Install Cluster…Checking the installation environment on all nodes.begin install Cluster…Installing applications on all nodes.Successfully installed APP.begin init Instance…encrypt cipher and rand files for database.Please enter password for database:Please repeat for database:begin to create CA cert filesThe sslcert will be generated in /opt/huawei/install/app/share/sslcert/omCluster installation is completed.Configuring.Deleting instances from all nodes.Successfully deleted instances from all nodes.Checking node configuration on all nodes.Initializing instances on all nodes.Updating instance configuration on all nodes.Check consistence of memCheck and coresCheck on database nodes.Successful check consistence of memCheck and coresCheck on all nodes.Configuring pg_hba on all nodes.Configuration is completed.Successfully started cluster.Successfully installed application.end deploy…


[omm@ogpri dn]$ gsql -d postgres -p 26000gsql ((openGauss 2.1.0 build 590b0f8e) compiled at 2021-09-30 14:29:04 commit 0 last mr )Non-SSL connection (SSL connection is recommended when requiring high-security)Type “help” for help. openGauss=#


gs_ctl -D /opt/huawei/install/data/dn/ query


[2021-12-29 14:41:33.751][21110][][gs_ctl]: gs_ctl query ,datadir is /opt/huawei/install/data/dn HA state: local_role : Primary static_connections : 1 db_state : Normal detail_information : Normal Senders info: sender_pid : 9716 local_role : Primary peer_role : Standby peer_state : Normal state : Streaming sender_sent_location : 0/401A080 sender_write_location : 0/401A080 sender_flush_location : 0/401A080 sender_replay_location : 0/401A080 receiver_received_location : 0/401A080 receiver_write_location : 0/401A080 receiver_flush_location : 0/401A080 receiver_replay_location : 0/401A080 sync_percent : 100% sync_state : Quorum sync_priority : 1 sync_most_available : Off channel :–> Receiver info: No information


Awesome Project: 探索 MatrixOrigin 云原生分布式数据库
Oracle 导出CSV工具-sqluldr2
