
2024年 2月 7日 112.0k 0

在这场比赛中, Bcacheff 文件系统,因为它是在去年年底在Linux内核的主线。展望Linux 6.9,它看起来可能是第一个开始使用Rust编程语言的文件系统驱动程序之一。


目前,至少Bcachefs驱动程序中的Rust代码将隐藏在“CONFIG_BCACHEFS_RUST”KCONFIG开关后面,并被认为是可选的。Thomas Bertschinger的补丁系列指出,Bcachefs的首席开发人员Kent OverStreet希望为即将到来的Linux6.9合并窗口合并Rust+Bcachefs代码。

本补丁系列只是关于在Bcachefs驱动程序内部使用Rust代码,并没有公开任何新的公共Rust API或类似的东西。有关介绍Rust Support for Bcachef的此补丁系列的更多详细信息,请访问Rust-for-Linux邮件列表。

In response to the posting, Rust for Linux developer Miguel Ojeda has questioned the overall plans for Bcachefs. In particular, if the file-system intends to implement all functionality in both C and Rust versions or how the use of Rust will be handled if it's to remain optional for the file-system driver. If Bcachefs decides to make Rust mandatory in the future, it will then limit the supported architectures and platforms where Rust is supported. Miguel also says it's "worrying" around their mixing of C and Rust as well as the tight timeline for Linux 6.9, so we'll see how quickly this moves ahead...


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