针对英特尔oneAPI DPC++编译器优化排除了2000+SPEC CPU提交

2024年 2月 10日 64.4k 0

在发现Intel oneAPI DPC++编译器通过有针对性的优化有效地按照他们的标准作弊后,SPEC实际上已经使2000多个SPEC CPU 2017基准测试提交无效。

今天有很多人写了一些关于SPEC CPU的文章, 意见书现在带着这个编译器通知:




使用英特尔oneAPI DPC++编译器进行此优化后,似乎有2000~2500份提交受到影响。

What I've heard is that Intel oneAPI 2022.0 through 2023.0 are affected by this outlawed compiler optimization. So the very latest post-2023.0 are okay according to the SPEC rules as well as the pre-2022 data. In the benchmark test targeted by this compiler optimization it could increase the result by more than 50%. In the grand scheme of things for the overall SPECint scoring could be impacted by several percentage points.


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