
2024年 3月 15日 56.6k 0

Table of Contents

    • 参考
    • 目标
    • 实验机器配置
    • 实验
      • 配置python
      • 安装必备前置软件
      • 配置安装路径以及下载安装包
      • 配置xml文件用于后续软件安装
      • 将performance.sh中参数vm.min_free_kbytes注释
      • 设置字符集以及openGauss的lib的位置配置到环境变量中
      • 解压安装包openGauss-2.0.0-openEuler-64bit并给文件夹权限
      • 采用交互模式执行,并在执行过程中会创建root用户互信和openGauss用户互信(密码: Admin@123)
      • 开始安装openGauss(密码: Admin@123)
      • 检查DB状态
      • 检查配置中的port
      • 测试DB基本操作
      • 基本启动/停止/状态操作
      • gsql基本操作
      • gs_checkos
      • gs_checkperf




本实验在安装了openEuler ARM操作系统的华为云主机上安装openGauss数据库,






CPU架构 鲲鹏通用计算增强型规格:最新系列 2vCPUs|4GB

镜像:公共镜像:openEuleropenEuler 20.03 64bit with ARM(40GB)

系统盘:通用型SSD 40G



cd /usr/bin
mv python python.bak
ln -s python3 /usr/bin/python
python -V



yum install -y libaio*


mkdir -p /opt/software/openGauss
chmod 755 -R /opt/software

cd /opt/software/openGauss
wget https://openGauss.obs.cn-south-1.myhuaweicloud.com/2.0.0/arm/openGauss-2.0.0-openEuler-64bit-all.tar.gz


cd /opt/software/openGauss

cat >clusterconfig.xml 
    >/etc/profile CREATE TABLE mytable (id int); 
db_XXX=> INSERT INTO mytable values (100);
db_XXX=> q
[omm@ecs-opengauss ~]$


gs_om -t start

gs_om -t status

gs_om -t stop


gsql --help

postgres=# help
You are using gsql, the command-line interface to gaussdb.
Type: copyright for distribution terms
h for help with SQL commands
? for help with gsql commands
g or terminate with semicolon to execute query
q to quit
postgres=# copyright
GaussDB Kernel Database Management System
Copyright (c) Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 2018. All rights reserved.
postgres=# h
postgres=# ?
postgres=# q


gs_checkos -i A
[root@ecs-opengauss script]# /root/gauss_om/omm/script/gs_checkos -i A
Checking items:
A1. [ OS version status ] : Normal
A2. [ Kernel version status ] : Normal
A3. [ Unicode status ] : Normal
A4. [ Time zone status ] : Normal
A5. [ Swap memory status ] : Normal
A6. [ System control parameters status ] : Warning
A7. [ File system configuration status ] : Warning
A8. [ Disk configuration status ] : Normal
A9. [ Pre-read block size status ] : Normal
A10.[ IO scheduler status ] : Normal
BondMode Null
A11.[ Network card configuration status ] : Warning
A12.[ Time consistency status ] : Warning
A13.[ Firewall service status ] : Normal
A14.[ THP service status ] : Normal
Total numbers:14. Abnormal numbers:0. Warning numbers:4.
[root@ecs-opengauss script]#


[omm@ecs-opengauss ~]$ gs_checkperf 
Cluster statistics information:
Host CPU busy time ratio : 15.22 %
MPPDB CPU time % in busy time : 7.56 %
Shared Buffer Hit ratio : 95.60 %
In-memory sort ratio : 0
Physical Reads : 366
Physical Writes : 84
DB size : 42 MB
Total Physical writes : 84
Active SQL count : 4
Session count : 6
[omm@ecs-opengauss ~]$

[omm@ecs-opengauss ~]$ gs_checkperf --detail
Cluster statistics information:
Host CPU usage rate:
Host total CPU time : 3889660.000 Jiffies
Host CPU busy time : 621030.000 Jiffies
Host CPU iowait time : 23690.000 Jiffies
Host CPU busy time ratio : 15.97 %
Host CPU iowait time ratio : .61 %
MPPDB CPU usage rate:
MPPDB CPU time % in busy time : 16.61 %
MPPDB CPU time % in total time : 2.65 %
Shared buffer hit rate:
Shared Buffer Reads : 816
Shared Buffer Hits : 44870
Shared Buffer Hit ratio : 98.21 %
In memory sort rate:
In-memory sort count : 0
In-disk sort count : 0
In-memory sort ratio : 0
I/O usage:
Number of files : 94
Physical Reads : 425
Physical Writes : 213
Read Time : 108601 ms
Write Time : 1920 ms
Disk usage:
DB size : 42 MB
Total Physical writes : 213
Average Physical write : 110937.50
Maximum Physical write : 213
Activity statistics:
Active SQL count : 4
Session count : 6
Node statistics information:
MPPDB CPU Time : 103170 Jiffies
Host CPU Busy Time : 621030 Jiffies
Host CPU Total Time : 3889660 Jiffies
MPPDB CPU Time % in Busy Time : 16.61 %
MPPDB CPU Time % in Total Time : 2.65 %
Physical memory : 3121086464 Bytes
DB Memory usage : 3675848704 Bytes
Shared buffer size : 268435456 Bytes
Shared buffer hit ratio : 98.21 %
Sorts in memory : 0
Sorts in disk : 0
In-memory sort ratio : 0
Number of files : 94
Physical Reads : 425
Physical Writes : 213
Read Time : 108601
Write Time : 1920
Session statistics information(Top 10):
Session CPU statistics:
1 dn_6001-postgres-omm:
Session CPU time : 2
Database CPU time : 103360
Session CPU time % : 0.00 %
2 dn_6001-postgres-omm:
Session CPU time : 0
Database CPU time : 103360
Session CPU time % : 0.00 %
3 dn_6001-postgres-omm:
Session CPU time : 0
Database CPU time : 103360
Session CPU time % : 0.00 %
4 dn_6001-postgres-omm:
Session CPU time : 0
Database CPU time : 103360
Session CPU time % : 0.00 %

Session Memory statistics:
1 dn_6001-postgres-omm:
Buffer Reads : 1009
Shared Buffer Hit ratio : 100.00
In Memory sorts : 1
In Disk sorts : 0
In Memory sorts ratio : 100.00
Total Memory Size : 8879168
Used Memory Size : 6797760
2 dn_6001-postgres-omm:
Buffer Reads : 283
Shared Buffer Hit ratio : 100.00
In Memory sorts : 0
In Disk sorts : 0
In Memory sorts ratio : 0
Total Memory Size : 5890184
Used Memory Size : 4521944
3 dn_6001-postgres-omm:
Buffer Reads : 283
Shared Buffer Hit ratio : 100.00
In Memory sorts : 0
In Disk sorts : 0
In Memory sorts ratio : 0
Total Memory Size : 5881992
Used Memory Size : 4521184
4 dn_6001-postgres-omm:
Buffer Reads : 282
Shared Buffer Hit ratio : 99.65
In Memory sorts : 0
In Disk sorts : 0
In Memory sorts ratio : 0
Total Memory Size : 5857416
Used Memory Size : 4511992

Session IO statistics:
1 dn_6001-postgres-omm:
Physical Reads : 1
Read Time : 6
2 dn_6001-postgres-omm:
Physical Reads : 0
Read Time : 0
3 dn_6001-postgres-omm:
Physical Reads : 0
Read Time : 0
4 dn_6001-postgres-omm:
Physical Reads : 0
Read Time : 0
[omm@ecs-opengauss ~]$


Awesome Project: 探索 MatrixOrigin 云原生分布式数据库
Oracle 导出CSV工具-sqluldr2
