为了监控 java 函数性能和设置警报,请执行以下步骤:添加所需的依赖项。在函数类中,添加监控和警报代码。部署函数,确保已设置 functions_signature_type 环境变量。在 google cloud monitoring 仪表盘中,创建包含自定义指标阈值的警报规则,以便在执行时间超出期望值时触发警报。
如何监控 Java 函数的性能并在发生问题时收到警报
监控 Java 函数的性能对于确保应用程序的可用性和性能至关重要。通过设置警报,可以在关键指标出现异常情况时及时获得通知,以便及时采取行动。本文将指导您如何使用 Google Cloud Functions Monitoring API 监控 Java 函数的性能并设置警报。
- Java 11 或更高版本
- Maven 或 Gradle
- Google Cloud Functions SDK
- Google Cloud 帐户
1. 创建 Java 函数
新建一个 Maven 或 Gradle 项目并添加以下依赖项:
com.google.cloud functions-framework-java 1.0.35 com.google.cloud google-cloud-functions 3.3.0
import com.google.cloud.functions.HttpFunction; import com.google.cloud.functions.HttpRequest; import com.google.cloud.functions.HttpResponse; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.PrintWriter; public class MyFunction implements HttpFunction { @Override public void service(HttpRequest request, HttpResponse response) throws IOException { // 您的函数逻辑 PrintWriter writer = response.getWriter(); writer.print("Hello World!"); } }
2. 添加监控和警报
在 pom.xml
或 build.gradle
io.opencensus opencensus-exporter-stats-cloud 0.16.0
import io.opencensus.exporter.stats.stackdriver.StackdriverStatsExporter; import io.opencensus.stats.Stats; import io.opencensus.stats.ViewManager; import java.util.List; public class MyFunction implements HttpFunction { private static final StackdriverStatsExporter exporter = StackdriverStatsExporter.createAndRegister(); private static final List MONITORED_FUNCTIONS = List.of("http_server", "fn"); // Add a shutdown hook to stop the exporter at the end of the app lifecycle. // This is a best-effort attempt to ensure that metrics are flushed before termination. public static void init() { Runtime.getRuntime().addShutdownHook(exporter::shutdown); } @Override public void service(HttpRequest request, HttpResponse response) throws IOException { // Monitor the execution of your function using Stackdriver. // You can enable monitoring by setting the FUNCTIONS_SIGNATURE_TYPE environment // variable as shown at https://cloud.google.com/functions/docs/monitoring/logging. ViewManager viewManager = Stats.getViewManager(); // We only need to register the default views once per JVM. // However, you can register views more than once, and the duplicate registrations // will be ignored after the first time. Alternatively, you can configure all of the // default views with a parameter. viewManager.registerAllViews(); } }
3. 部署函数
gcloud functions deploy my-function --entry-point MyFunction --runtime java11 --trigger-http
4. 设置警报
登录 Google Cloud Monitoring 仪表盘,然后导航到“警报”选项卡。
- 创建规则:单击“创建规则”按钮。
- 设置阈值:将阈值设置为函数执行时间的期望值。
- 设置通道:选择通知渠道,例如电子邮件或 Slack。
- [Google Cloud Functions Monitoring API](https://cloud.google.com/functions/docs/monitoring/concepts)
- [OpenCensus Java](https://github.com/census-instrumentation/opencensus-java)
例如,您可以设置一个警报,当函数执行时间超过 1 秒时触发。这样,您可以在函数性能出现问题时立即获得通知,从而可以采取措施进行调查和缓解。
本教程演示了如何使用 Stackdriver 监控 Java 函数的性能并设置警报。您还可以探索以下资源以获取更多信息: