
2024年 4月 26日 94.6k 0

如果当这位前新运动首席开发人员加入NVIDIA并为这个最初经过逆向工程的开源NVIDIA内核驱动程序发送了一个大型补丁系列时,你的兴趣还不够强烈,那么这里还有另一个情节转折:另一位NVIDIA工程师打开了一个合并请求,添加到Mesa NVK Vulkan驱动程序中。

就在几周前,NVIDIA的Arthur Huillet注意到前新运动DRM维护者Ben Skeggs在离开Red Hat后现在在NVIDIA,他为Mesa的NVK驱动程序打开了一个功能合并请求。

如果这个名字听起来不太响亮的话,Arthur Huillet十多年前就开始为新运动车手做出贡献。。。尽管在过去的几年里,他一直在NVIDIA公司工作,开发他们专有的NVIDIA Linux驱动程序。但本月,他开始为Mesa贡献关于NVK的代码审查/评论,现在又提出了功能合并请求。

Arthur最近才重新加入FreeDesktop.org GitLab(Mesa)。

合并请求是为了使用NVK驱动程序为所有NVIDIA GPU实现保守的光栅化支持。有趣的是,看到一位NVIDIA工程师为NVK贡献了一个Vulkan扩展(VK_EXT_conservative_rasteration),该扩展最初是一个社区,开源NVIDIA Vulkan驱动程序,是新运动的一部分。

This aligns with activity I've been seeing on the mailing lists as well of increased NVIDIA involvement and hearing other things too. Though the extent of NVIDIA's plans around open-source Linux driver support isn't publicly clear. It is clear that they are contributing directly now to the kernel and Mesa components. This will likely all be complementary to their existing and mature binary driver stack: it's unlikely to see them open up their proprietary user-space components, especially around the walled garden of CUDA, but interesting to see the moves they are making. Presumably this is being done to satisfy (potential?) customers becoming more interested in at least their open-source kernel driver support and for some basic or other (safety critical?) use-cases where Mesa graphics components may be good enough. AMD has been enjoying much success over the years on Linux thanks to their first-rate open-source driver support and developed a strong following in that regard. Interesting times ahead to say the least.


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