考虑到Mesa在英特尔显卡上GTK4的初始化/启动时间缓慢这一问题上存在了两年的漏洞,多产的Zink开发人员Mike Blumenkrantz最近开始优化Zink的启动时间,以实现这种通用的OpenGL on Vulkan驱动程序。
他用Intel Iris Gallium3D驱动程序开始了他的跋涉,启动GTK4演示应用程序需要190~200毫秒,而Zink的平均启动时间为350~370毫秒。长话短说,经过大量的分析和17个补丁的工作,他将Zink的启动时间降低了约25%,现在GTK4的演示应用程序到第一帧的时间大约需要260~280毫秒。
Mike Blumenkrantz continues pursuing efforts to see if he can meet (or beat) the Iris start-up times. Those interested in all the details can see Mike's blog post. The pending code to speed-up start times by moving most shader/program initialization to a thread can be found via this merge request with Mike summing it up as "this significantly improves app startup times."