Valve正在为“NVK”NVIDIA Vulkan驱动程序提供显式同步支持

2024年 5月 4日 143.7k 0

除了Valve图形工程师对开源Radeon“RADV”Vulkan驱动程序所做的所有贡献外,他们还开始投资改进开源Mesa NVIDIA“NVK”Vulken驱动程序。有了悬而未决的补丁,现在有了明确的GPU同步支持,可以与他们的Gamescope合成器一起为NVK驱动程序工作。

Valve的Linux图形团队的Mohamed Ahmed致力于Nouveau DRM内核驱动程序和Mesa NVK驱动程序的更改,以便能够支持此开源NVIDIA驱动程序堆栈的显式同步支持。著名Valve Linux负责人Pierre Loup Griffais X在周五晚上宣布了一个好消息:

There is this patch to the Nouveau DRM kernel driver for handling of VM_BIND buffer object allocations with PTE kind and tile mode. On the Mesa NVK driver side is this merge request implementing Vulkan's VK_EXT_image_drm_format_modifier support for the NVK driver. These patches have yet to be upstreamed but great to see the NVK explicit sync support on the way. Meanwhile NVIDIA is expected to release a big binary Linux driver beta earlier this month baking their explicit sync support and other enhancements in their new driver series.


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