
2024年 5月 7日 79.3k 0

A1. 生产环境三节点 OceanBase 集群部署配置文件

生产环境机器内存大于 256G 时,参考下面配置文件。

# Only need to configure when remote login is required
   username: admin
#   password: your password if need
   key_file: /home/admin/.ssh/id_rsa.pub
   port: your ssh port, default 22
#   timeout: ssh connection timeout (second), default 30
    - name: obce01
      # Please don't use hostname, only IP can be supported
    - name: obce02
    - name: obce03
    # Please set devname as the network adaptor's name whose ip is  in the setting of severs.
    # if set severs as "", please set devname as "lo"
    # if current ip is, and the ip's network adaptor's name is "eth0", please use "eth0"
    devname: bond0
    cluster_id: 2
    # please set memory limit to a suitable value which is matching resource.
    # memory_limit: 200G # The maximum running memory for an observer
    # system_memory: 30G # The reserved system memory. system_memory is reserved for general tenants. The default value is 30G.
    minor_freeze_times: 100
    minor_warm_up_duration_time: 0
    freeze_trigger_percentage: 40
    enable_merge_by_turn: FALSE
    datafile_disk_percentage: 50 # The percentage of the data_dir space to the total disk space. This value takes effect only when datafile_size is 0. The default value is 90.
    # datafile_size: 500G
    syslog_level: INFO # System log level. The default value is INFO.
    enable_syslog_wf: false # Print system logs whose levels are higher than WARNING to a separate log file. The default value is true.
    enable_syslog_recycle: true # Enable auto system log recycling or not. The default value is false.
    max_syslog_file_count: 50 # The maximum number of reserved log files before enabling auto recycling. The default value is 0.
    # observer cluster name, consistent with obproxy's cluster_name
    appname: obce-3zones
    root_password: 0EI5N08d # root user password, can be empty
    proxyro_password: uY7Yf8zx # proxyro user pasword, consistent with obproxy's observer_sys_password, can be empty
    mysql_port: 2881 # External port for OceanBase Database. The default value is 2881.
    rpc_port: 2882 # Internal port for OceanBase Database. The default value is 2882.
    #  The working directory for OceanBase Database. OceanBase Database is started under this directory. This is a required field.
    home_path: /home/admin/oceanbase-ce
    # The directory for data storage. The default value is $home_path/store.
    data_dir: /data
    # The directory for clog, ilog, and slog. The default value is the same as the data_dir value.
    redo_dir: /redo
    zone: zone1
    mysql_port: 2881 # External port for OceanBase Database. The default value is 2881.
    rpc_port: 2882 # Internal port for OceanBase Database. The default value is 2882.
    #  The working directory for OceanBase Database. OceanBase Database is started under this directory. This is a required field.
    home_path: /home/admin/oceanbase-ce
    # The directory for data storage. The default value is $home_path/store.
    data_dir: /data
    # The directory for clog, ilog, and slog. The default value is the same as the data_dir value.
    redo_dir: /redo
    zone: zone2
    mysql_port: 2881 # External port for OceanBase Database. The default value is 2881.
    rpc_port: 2882 # Internal port for OceanBase Database. The default value is 2882.
    #  The working directory for OceanBase Database. OceanBase Database is started under this directory. This is a required field.
    home_path: /home/admin/oceanbase-ce
    # The directory for data storage. The default value is $home_path/store.
    data_dir: /data
    # The directory for clog, ilog, and slog. The default value is the same as the data_dir value.
    redo_dir: /redo
    zone: zone3
  # Set dependent components for the component.
  # When the associated configurations are not done, OBD will automatically get the these configurations from the dependent components.
    - oceanbase-ce
    listen_port: 2883 # External port. The default value is 2883.
    prometheus_listen_port: 2884 # The Prometheus port. The default value is 2884.
    home_path: /home/admin/obproxy
    # oceanbase root server list
    # format: ip:mysql_port;ip:mysql_port
    enable_cluster_checkout: false
    # observer cluster name, consistent with oceanbase-ce's appname
    cluster_name: obce-3zones
    obproxy_sys_password: 0MdTv1tm # obproxy sys user password, can be empty
    observer_sys_password: uY7Yf8zx # proxyro user pasword, consistent with oceanbase-ce's proxyro_password, can be empty

A2. 测试环境 3台ECS 模拟 6节点集群配置文件

每个机器起 2 个节点,分别监听 2881/2882 和 3881/3882 。

# Only need to configure when remote login is required
   username: admin
#   password: your password if need
   key_file: /home/admin/.ssh/id_rsa.pub
   port: your ssh port, default 22
#   timeout: ssh connection timeout (second), default 30
    - name: obce01 
      # Please don't use hostname, only IP can be supported
    - name: obce02
    - name: obce03
    - name: obce04 
      # Please don't use hostname, only IP can be supported
    - name: obce05
    - name: obce06
    # Please set devname as the network adaptor's name whose ip is  in the setting of severs.
    # if set severs as "", please set devname as "lo"
    # if current ip is, and the ip's network adaptor's name is "eth0", please use "eth0"
    devname: eth0
    cluster_id: 2
    # please set memory limit to a suitable value which is matching resource.
    memory_limit: 10G # The maximum running memory for an observer
    system_memory: 3G # The reserved system memory. system_memory is reserved for general tenants. The default value is 30G.
    stack_size: 512K
    cpu_count: 16
    cache_wash_threshold: 1G
    __min_full_resource_pool_memory: 268435456
    workers_per_cpu_quota: 10
    schema_history_expire_time: 1d
    # The value of net_thread_count had better be same as cpu's core number.
    net_thread_count: 4
    major_freeze_duty_time: Disable
    minor_warm_up_duration_time: 0
    freeze_trigger_percentage: 40
    enable_separate_sys_clog: 0
    enable_merge_by_turn: FALSE
    #datafile_disk_percentage: 20 # The percentage of the data_dir space to the total disk space. This value takes effect only when datafile_size is 0. The default value is 90.
    datafile_size: 50G
    syslog_level: WARN # System log level. The default value is INFO.
    enable_syslog_wf: false # Print system logs whose levels are higher than WARNING to a separate log file. The default value is true.
    enable_syslog_recycle: true # Enable auto system log recycling or not. The default value is false.
    max_syslog_file_count: 10 # The maximum number of reserved log files before enabling auto recycling. The default value is 0.
    # observer cluster name, consistent with obproxy's cluster_name
    appname: obce-3zones
    root_password: 0EI5N08d # root user password, can be empty
    proxyro_password: uY7Yf8zx # proxyro user pasword, consistent with obproxy's observer_sys_password, can be empty
    mysql_port: 2881 # External port for OceanBase Database. The default value is 2881.
    rpc_port: 2882 # Internal port for OceanBase Database. The default value is 2882.
    #  The working directory for OceanBase Database. OceanBase Database is started under this directory. This is a required field.
    home_path: /home/admin/oceanbase-ce
    # The directory for data storage. The default value is $home_path/store.
    data_dir: /data/1
    # The directory for clog, ilog, and slog. The default value is the same as the data_dir value.
    redo_dir: /redo/1
    zone: zone1
    mysql_port: 2881 # External port for OceanBase Database. The default value is 2881.
    rpc_port: 2882 # Internal port for OceanBase Database. The default value is 2882.
    #  The working directory for OceanBase Database. OceanBase Database is started under this directory. This is a required field.
    home_path: /home/admin/oceanbase-ce
    # The directory for data storage. The default value is $home_path/store.
    data_dir: /data/1
    # The directory for clog, ilog, and slog. The default value is the same as the data_dir value.
    redo_dir: /redo/1
    zone: zone2
    mysql_port: 2881 # External port for OceanBase Database. The default value is 2881.
    rpc_port: 2882 # Internal port for OceanBase Database. The default value is 2882.
    #  The working directory for OceanBase Database. OceanBase Database is started under this directory. This is a required field.
    home_path: /home/admin/oceanbase-ce
    # The directory for data storage. The default value is $home_path/store.
    data_dir: /data/1
    # The directory for clog, ilog, and slog. The default value is the same as the data_dir value.
    redo_dir: /redo/1
    zone: zone3
    mysql_port: 3881 # External port for OceanBase Database. The default value is 2881.
    rpc_port: 3882 # Internal port for OceanBase Database. The default value is 2882.
    #  The working directory for OceanBase Database. OceanBase Database is started under this directory. This is a required field.
    home_path: /home/admin/oceanbase-ce2
    # The directory for data storage. The default value is $home_path/store.
    data_dir: /data/2
    # The directory for clog, ilog, and slog. The default value is the same as the data_dir value.
    redo_dir: /redo/2
    zone: zone1
    mysql_port: 3881 # External port for OceanBase Database. The default value is 2881.
    rpc_port: 3882 # Internal port for OceanBase Database. The default value is 2882.
    #  The working directory for OceanBase Database. OceanBase Database is started under this directory. This is a required field.
    home_path: /home/admin/oceanbase-ce2
    # The directory for data storage. The default value is $home_path/store.
    data_dir: /data/2
    # The directory for clog, ilog, and slog. The default value is the same as the data_dir value.
    redo_dir: /redo/2
    zone: zone2
    mysql_port: 3881 # External port for OceanBase Database. The default value is 2881.
    rpc_port: 3882 # Internal port for OceanBase Database. The default value is 2882.
    #  The working directory for OceanBase Database. OceanBase Database is started under this directory. This is a required field.
    home_path: /home/admin/oceanbase-ce2
    # The directory for data storage. The default value is $home_path/store.
    data_dir: /data/2
    # The directory for clog, ilog, and slog. The default value is the same as the data_dir value.
    redo_dir: /redo/2
    zone: zone3
  # Set dependent components for the component.
  # When the associated configurations are not done, OBD will automatically get the these configurations from the dependent components.
    - oceanbase-ce
    listen_port: 2883 # External port. The default value is 2883.
    prometheus_listen_port: 2884 # The Prometheus port. The default value is 2884.
    home_path: /home/admin/obproxy
    # oceanbase root server list
    # format: ip:mysql_port;ip:mysql_port
    enable_cluster_checkout: false
    # observer cluster name, consistent with oceanbase-ce's appname
    # cluster_name: obce-3zones
    obproxy_sys_password: 0MdTv1tm # obproxy sys user password, can be empty
    # observer_sys_password: uY7Yf8zx # proxyro user pasword, consistent with oceanbase-ce's proxyro_password, can be empty


  • 第二章 2.1 OceanBase 部署准备
  • 第二章 2.2 如何快速体验 OceanBase
  • 第二章 2.3 如何规划部署 OceanBase 集群
  • 第二章 2.4 如何初始化服务器环境
  • 第二章 2.5 安装 OBD 自动化部署软件
  • 第二章 2.6 使用 OBD 自动化部署单节点集群
  • 第二章 2.7 使用OBD自动化部署多节点集群
  • 第二章 2.8 参看和修改 OceanBase 参数集群
  • 第二章 2.9 如何部署 OBAgent
  • 第二章 2.10 如何重启 OceanBase 集群
  • 第二章 2.11(高级)如何手动部署 OceanBase 集群
  • 第二章 2.12 常见问题
  • 第二章 2.13 附录





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