Wasmer 4.3是这个WebAssembly(WASM)运行时的最新版本,它支持WASIX、WASI和EmScript的执行。这个跨平台的WASM运行时继续专注于驱动轻量级容器,这些容器可以以非常安全的方式在任何地方运行。
Rust编写的Wasmer 4.3改进了部署工作流程,支持未命名的包,Wasmer现在在冷启动方面的速度快了25%。一般来说,Wasmer也应该更稳定,并且在这个新版本中可以找到各种错误修复和其他增强功能。
The 25% faster start times alone is exciting while there are also various other changes as noted in the change-log. Downloads and more details on Friday's Wasmer 4.3 release via GitHub. Those learning about this Wasmer WASM runtime for the first time can learn more about it at Wasmer.io.