--Title:删除数据库里某个用户所有表里的数据 --Author:wufeng4552 --Date :2009-09-21 15:08:41 --方法1 复制代码 代码如下: declare @uname varchar(20) declare cuser cursor for select so.name from sysobjects so,sysusers
-->Title:删除数据库里某个用户所有表里的数据 -->Author:wufeng4552 -->Date :2009-09-21 15:08:41 --方法1 复制代码 代码如下: declare @uname varchar(20) declare cuser cursor for select so.name from sysobjects so,sysusers su where so.uid=su.uid and su.name='Stone' and so.xtype='U' open cuser fetch next from cuser into @uname while(@@fetch_status=0) begin exec('truncate table [Stone].['+@uname+']') fetch next from cuser end close cuser deallocate cuser --方法2 复制代码 代码如下: exec sp_msforeachtable @command1="truncate table ? ;",@whereand='and schema_id = (select schema_id from sys.schemas where [name] =''Stone'')'