sql 分组查询问题

2023年 4月 17日 41.7k 0

情景一: 表中数据 name score aaa 11 aaa 19 bbb 12 bbb 18 ccc 19 ddd 21 期望查询结果如下 name score aaa 30 bbb 30 ccc 19 ddd 21 复制代码 代码如下: ---检查表是否存在 if exists(select * from sysobjects where name

情景一: 表中数据 name score aaa 11 aaa 19 bbb 12 bbb 18 ccc 19 ddd 21 期望查询结果如下 name score aaa 30 bbb 30 ccc 19 ddd 21 复制代码 代码如下: ---检查表是否存在 if exists(select * from sysobjects where name='testSum') drop table testSum go ---创建表 create table testSum ( tid int primary key identity(1,1), tname varchar(30) null, tscor int null ) go insert into testSum (tname,tscor) select 'aaa',11 union all select 'aaa',19 union all select 'bbb',12 union all select 'bbb',18 union all select 'ccc',19 union all select 'ddd',21 ---查询语句 select tname ,sum(tscor) from testSum group by tname ---只查询tscor总和为30的 select tname ,sum(tscor) from testSum group by tname having sum(tscor)=30 情景二: 姓名 科目 分数 张三 语文 30 张三 数学 50 张三 英语 70 李四 语文 50 李四 数学 80 李四 英语 90 期望查询结果: 姓名 语文 数学 英语 张三 30 50 70 李四 50 80 90 复制代码 代码如下: ---检查表是否存在 if exists(select * from sysobjects where name='testScore') drop table testScore go ---创建表 create table testScore ( tid int primary key identity(1,1), tname varchar(30) null, ttype varchar(10) null, tscor int null ) go ---插入数据 insert into testScore values ('张三','语文',90) insert into testScore values ('张三','数学',20) insert into testScore values ('张三','英语',50) insert into testScore values ('李四','语文',30) insert into testScore values ('李四','数学',47) insert into testScore values ('李四','英语',78) ---查询 select tname as '姓名' , max(case ttype when '语文' then tscor else 0 end) '语文', max(case ttype when '数学' then tscor else 0 end) '数学', max(case ttype when '英语' then tscor else 0 end) '英语' from testScore group by tname 情景三: 表:table1 字段:id , name 内容: ---------------- 1,aaa 1,bbb 2,ccc 2,ddd 3,eee 3,fff -------------- 希望结果: --------------------- 1 aaa bbb [aaa bbb之间半角空格区分,以下类似] 2 ccc ddd 3 eee fff 复制代码 代码如下: f exists(select * from sysobjects where name='test1') drop table test1 go create table test1 ( tid int primary key identity(1,1), tnum int null, tname varchar(30) null ) go insert into test1 values (1,'aa') insert into test1 values (1,'bb') insert into test1 values (2,'cc') insert into test1 values (2,'dd') insert into test1 values (3,'ee') insert into test1 values (3,'ff') SELECT * FROM ( SELECT DISTINCT tnum FROM test1 )A OUTER APPLY( SELECT tname= STUFF(REPLACE(REPLACE( ( SELECT tname FROM test1 N WHERE tnum = A.tnum FOR XML AUTO ), '<N tname="', ' '), '"/>', ''), 1, 1, '') )N 情景四: 我需要将表tb中的数据select出来,得到下面第二个表的数据,如何写select语句? 表tb id a flag class ----------+---------+--------+--------- 1 2 1 A 2 2 1 A 3 4 1 A 4 5 2 A 5 3 2 A 6 4 1 A 7 2 1 A 8 3 2 A 9 4 2 A 10 5 3 A 11 5 1 B 12 2 1 B 13 3 1 B 14 4 1 B 15 2 3 B 16 7 3 B 17 3 2 B 18 4 1 B 19 5 1 B 20 2 2 B 21 1 1 B 22 1 1 C 23 2 3 C 24 6 3 C 25 3 2 C ... 需要选取出如下的表,按class列进行分组,a1,a2,a3字段分别为flag=1、2、3时tb表中a字段的求和 选取后 a1 a2 a3 class -----------+------------+-----------------+-------------- sum(a) sum(a) sum(a) A sum(a) sum(a) sum(a) B sum(a) sum(a) sum(a) C sum(a) sum(a) sum(a) D sum(a) sum(a) sum(a) E sum(a) sum(a) sum(a) F sum(a) sum(a) sum(a) G 复制代码 代码如下: ---检查表是否存在 if exists(select * from sysobjects where name='testFlag') drop table testFlag go ---创建表 create table testFlag ( tid int primary key identity(1,1), tname varchar(30) null, tflag int null, tscor int null ) go ---插入数据 insert into testFlag (tname,tflag,tscor) select 'aaa',1,11 union all select 'aaa',2,19 union all select 'aaa',3,12 union all select 'aaa',1,18 union all select 'aaa',2,19 union all select 'aaa',3,21 union all select 'bbb',1,11 union all select 'bbb',2,19 union all select 'bbb',3,12 union all select 'bbb',1,18 union all select 'bbb',2,19 union all select 'bbb',3,21 ----查询语句 select distinct tname,(select sum(tscor) from testFlag where tflag=1 and testFlag.tname = t.tname) as 'flag1',(select sum(tscor) from testFlag where tflag=2 and testFlag.tname = t.tname) as 'flag2',(select sum(tscor) from testFlag where tflag=3 and testFlag.tname = t.tname) as 'flag3' from testFlag t group by tname,tflag


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