
2023年 4月 19日 18.2k 0

单表查询指从一张表数据中查询所需的数据。 (1)查询所有字段 (2)查询指定字段 (3)查询指定记录 (4)带in关键字的查询 (5)带between and的范围的查询 (6)带like的字符匹配查询 (7)查询空值 (8

单表查询指从一张表数据中查询所需的数据。(1)查询所有字段(2)查询指定字段(3)查询指定记录(4)带in关键字的查询(5)带between and的范围的查询(6)带like的字符匹配查询(7)查询空值(8)带and的多条件查询(9)带or的多条件查询(10)查询结果不重复(11)对查询结果排序(12)分组查询(13)使用limit限制查询结果的数量


(1)查询所有字段 * from fruits f_id,s_id,f_name,f_price from fruits;


mysql> select * from fruits;+------+------+------------+---------+| f_id | s_id | f_name | f_price |+------+------+------------+---------+| 12 | 104 | lemon | 6.40 || a1 | 101 | apple | 5.20 || a2 | 103 | apricot | 2.20 || b1 | 101 | blackberry | 10.20 || b2 | 104 | berry | 7.60 || b5 | 107 | xxxx | 3.60 || bs1 | 102 | orange | 11.20 || bs2 | 105 | melon | 8.20 || c0 | 101 | cherry | 3.20 || m1 | 106 | mango | 15.70 || m2 | 105 | xbabay | 2.60 || m3 | 105 | xxtt | 11.60 || o2 | 103 | coconut | 9.20 || t1 | 102 | banana | 10.30 || t2 | 102 | grape | 5.30 || t4 | 107 | xbabay | 3.60 |+------+------+------------+---------+16 rows in set (0.00 sec)(2)查询指定字段

1.查询单个字段:select 列名 from 表名;


mysql> select f_name from fruits;+------------+| f_name |+------------+| lemon || apple || apricot || blackberry || berry || xxxx || orange || melon || cherry || mango || xbabay || xxtt || coconut || banana || grape || xbabay |+------------+16 rows in set (0.00 sec)

2.查询多个字段:select 字段名1,字段名2,...字段名n from 表名; 【例】从fruits表中获取名称为f_name和f_price两列,SQL语句如下:

mysql> select f_name,f_price from fruits;+------------+---------+| f_name | f_price |+------------+---------+| lemon | 6.40 || apple | 5.20 || apricot | 2.20 || blackberry | 10.20 || berry | 7.60 || xxxx | 3.60 || orange | 11.20 || melon | 8.20 || cherry | 3.20 || mango | 15.70 || xbabay | 2.60 || xxtt | 11.60 || coconut | 9.20 || banana | 10.30 || grape | 5.30 || xbabay | 3.60 |+------------+---------+16 rows in set (0.00 sec)(3)查询指定记录select 字段名1,字段名2,。。。,字段名n
from 表名
where 查询条件


mysql> select f_name,f_price -> from fruits -> where f_price = 10.2;+------------+---------+| f_name | f_price |+------------+---------+| blackberry | 10.20 |+------------+---------+1 row in set (0.00 sec)


mysql> select f_name,f_price -> from fruits -> where f_name = 'apple';+--------+---------+| f_name | f_price |+--------+---------+| apple | 5.20 |+--------+---------+1 row in set (0.00 sec)


mysql> select f_name,f_price -> from fruits -> where f_price<10.00;+---------+---------+| f_name | f_price |+---------+---------+| lemon | 6.40 || apple | 5.20 || apricot | 2.20 || berry | 7.60 || xxxx | 3.60 || melon | 8.20 || cherry | 3.20 || xbabay | 2.60 || coconut | 9.20 || grape | 5.30 || xbabay | 3.60 |+---------+---------+11 rows in set (0.00 sec)(4)带in关键字的查询in操作符用来查询满足指定范围内的条件的记录,使用in操作符,将所有检索条件用括号括起来,检索条件之间用逗号分隔开,只要满足条件范围内的一个值即为匹配项。


mysql> select s_id,f_name,f_price -> from fruits -> where s_id in(101,102)
-> order by f_name;+------+------------+---------+| s_id | f_name | f_price |+------+------------+---------+| 101 | apple | 5.20 || 102 | banana | 10.30 || 101 | blackberry | 10.20 || 101 | cherry | 3.20 || 102 | grape | 5.30 || 102 | orange | 11.20 |+------+------------+---------+6 rows in set (0.00 sec)


mysql> select s_id,f_name,f_price -> from fruits -> where s_id not in (101,102)
-> order by f_name;+------+---------+---------+| s_id | f_name | f_price |+------+---------+---------+| 103 | apricot | 2.20 || 104 | berry | 7.60 || 103 | coconut | 9.20 || 104 | lemon | 6.40 || 106 | mango | 15.70 || 105 | melon | 8.20 || 105 | xbabay | 2.60 || 107 | xbabay | 3.60 || 105 | xxtt | 11.60 || 107 | xxxx | 3.60 |+------+---------+---------+10 rows in set (0.00 sec)(5)带between and的范围的查询between and 用来查询某个范围内的值,该操作符需要两个参数,即范围的开始值和结束值。


mysql> select f_name,f_price from fruits where f_price between 2.00 and 10.20;+------------+---------+| f_name | f_price |+------------+---------+| lemon | 6.40 || apple | 5.20 || apricot | 2.20 || blackberry | 10.20 || berry | 7.60 || xxxx | 3.60 || melon | 8.20 || cherry | 3.20 || xbabay | 2.60 || coconut | 9.20 || grape | 5.30 || xbabay | 3.60 |+------------+---------+12 rows in set (0.00 sec)


mysql> select f_name,f_price -> from fruits -> where f_price not between 2.00 and 10.20;+--------+---------+| f_name | f_price |+--------+---------+| orange | 11.20 || mango | 15.70 || xxtt | 11.60 || banana | 10.30 |+--------+---------+4 rows in set (0.00 sec)(6)带like的字符匹配查询

1.%通配符,匹配任意长度的字符,甚至包括零字符。 【例1】查找所有以"b"字母开头的水果,SQL语句如下:

mysql> select f_id,f_name -> from fruits -> where f_name like 'b%';+------+------------+| f_id | f_name |+------+------------+| b1 | blackberry || b2 | berry || t1 | banana |+------+------------+3 rows in set (0.00 sec)


mysql> select f_id,f_name -> from fruits -> where f_name like '%g%';+------+--------+| f_id | f_name |+------+--------+| bs1 | orange || m1 | mango || t2 | grape |+------+--------+3 rows in set (0.00 sec)


mysql> select f_id,f_name -> from fruits -> where f_name like 'b%y';+------+------------+| f_id | f_name |+------+------------+| b1 | blackberry || b2 | berry |+------+------------+2 rows in set (0.00 sec)



mysql> select f_id,f_name -> from fruits -> where f_name like '____y';+------+--------+| f_id | f_name |+------+--------+| b2 | berry |+------+--------+1 row in set (0.00 sec)(7)查询空值数据表创建时,可以指定某列中是否可以包含空值null。空值不同于0,也不同于空字符串。空值一般表示数据位置、不使用或将在以后添加数据。在select语句中使用is null子句,可以查询某字段内容为空记录。


create table customers(
c_id int not null auto_increment,
c_name char(50) not null,
c_address char(50) null,
c_city char(50) null,
c_zip char(10) null,
c_contact char(50) null,
c_email char(255) null,
primary key (c_id)


mysql> insert into customers(c_id,c_name,c_address,c_city,c_zip,c_contact,c_email)
-> values
-> (10001,'redhool','200 Street ','Tianjin','300000','LiMing',''),
-> (10002,'Stars','333 Fromage Lane','Dalian','116000','Zhangbo',''),
-> (10003,'Netbhood','1 Sunny Place','Qingdao','266000','LuoCong',null),
-> (10004,'JOTO','829 Riverside Drive','Haikou','570000','YangShan','');Query OK, 4 rows affected (0.06 sec)Records: 4 Duplicates: 0 Warnings: 0


mysql> select c_id,c_name,c_email from customers where c_email is null;+-------+----------+---------+| c_id | c_name | c_email |+-------+----------+---------+| 10003 | Netbhood | NULL |+-------+----------+---------+1 row in set (0.00 sec)


mysql> select c_id,c_name,c_email -> from customers -> where c_email is not null;+-------+---------+-------------------+| c_id | c_name | c_email |+-------+---------+-------------------+| 10001 | redhool | || 10002 | Stars | || 10004 | JOTO | |+-------+---------+-------------------+3 rows in set (0.00 sec)(8)带and的多条件查询


mysql> select f_id,f_price,f_name
-> from fruits
-> where s_id = '101' and f_price>=5;
| f_id | f_price | f_name |
| a1 | 5.20 | apple |
| b1 | 10.20 | blackberry |
2 rows in set (0.00 sec)


mysql> select f_id ,f_price , f_name -> from fruits -> where s_id in ('101','102') and f_price >=5 and f_name = 'apple';+------+---------+--------+| f_id | f_price | f_name |+------+---------+--------+| a1 | 5.20 | apple |+------+---------+--------+1 row in set (0.05 sec)(9)带or的多条件查询


mysql> select s_id,f_name,f_price -> from fruits -> where s_id=101 or s_id=102;+------+------------+---------+| s_id | f_name | f_price |+------+------------+---------+| 101 | apple | 5.20 || 101 | blackberry | 10.20 || 102 | orange | 11.20 || 101 | cherry | 3.20 || 102 | banana | 10.30 || 102 | grape | 5.30 |+------+------------+---------+6 rows in set (0.00 sec)


mysql> select s_id,f_name,f_price -> from fruits -> where s_id in(101,102);+------+------------+---------+| s_id | f_name | f_price |+------+------------+---------+| 101 | apple | 5.20 || 101 | blackberry | 10.20 || 102 | orange | 11.20 || 101 | cherry | 3.20 || 102 | banana | 10.30 || 102 | grape | 5.30 |+------+------------+---------+6 rows in set (0.00 sec注意 or可以和and一起使用,但是要注意两者的优先级,由于and的优先级高于or,旖旎次先对and两边的操作数进行操作,再与or中的操作数结合。(10)查询结果不重复语法格式:select distinct 字段名 from 表名;


mysql> select distinct s_id from fruits;+------+| s_id |+------+| 104 || 101 || 103 || 107 || 102 || 105 || 106 |+------+7 rows in set (0.05 sec)(11)对查询结果排序

1.单列排序order by


mysql> select f_name from fruits order by f_name;+------------+| f_name |+------------+| apple || apricot || banana || berry || blackberry || cherry || coconut || grape || lemon || mango || melon || orange || xbabay || xbabay || xxtt || xxxx |+------------+16 rows in set (0.00 sec)




mysql> select f_name,f_price -> from fruits -> order by f_name, f_price;+------------+---------+| f_name | f_price |+------------+---------+| apple | 5.20 || apricot | 2.20 || banana | 10.30 || berry | 7.60 || blackberry | 10.20 || cherry | 3.20 || coconut | 9.20 || grape | 5.30 || lemon | 6.40 || mango | 15.70 || melon | 8.20 || orange | 11.20 || xbabay | 2.60 || xbabay | 3.60 || xxtt | 11.60 || xxxx | 3.60 |+------------+---------+16 rows in set (0.00 sec)




mysql> select f_name,f_price -> from fruits -> order by f_price desc;+------------+---------+| f_name | f_price |+------------+---------+| mango | 15.70 || xxtt | 11.60 || orange | 11.20 || banana | 10.30 || blackberry | 10.20 || coconut | 9.20 || melon | 8.20 || berry | 7.60 || lemon | 6.40 || grape | 5.30 || apple | 5.20 || xxxx | 3.60 || xbabay | 3.60 || cherry | 3.20 || xbabay | 2.60 || apricot | 2.20 |+------------+---------+16 rows in set (0.00 sec)


mysql> select f_price,f_name -> from fruits -> order by f_price desc,f_name;+---------+------------+| f_price | f_name |+---------+------------+| 15.70 | mango || 11.60 | xxtt || 11.20 | orange || 10.30 | banana || 10.20 | blackberry || 9.20 | coconut || 8.20 | melon || 7.60 | berry || 6.40 | lemon || 5.30 | grape || 5.20 | apple || 3.60 | xbabay || 3.60 | xxxx || 3.20 | cherry || 2.60 | xbabay || 2.20 | apricot |+---------+------------+16 rows in set (0.00 sec)(12)分组查询分组查询是对数据按照某个或多个字段进行分组,MySQL中使用group by 关键字对数据进行分组,基本语法形式为:[group by 字段][having<条件表达式>]字段值为进行分组时所依据的列名称,"having<条件表达式>"指定满足表达式限定条件的结果将被显示。



mysql> select s_id,count(*) as total -> from fruits -> group by s_id;+------+-------+| s_id | total |+------+-------+| 104 | 2 || 101 | 3 || 103 | 2 || 107 | 2 || 102 | 3 || 105 | 3 || 106 | 1 |+------+-------+7 rows in set (0.05 sec)

可以看到group by 子句按照s_id排序并对数据分组。

如果需要查看每个供应商提供的水果种类名称,可以在group by子句中使用group_concat()函数,将每个分组中各个字段的值显示出来。


mysql> select s_id,group_concat(f_name) as Names -> from fruits -> group by s_id;+------+-------------------------+| s_id | Names |+------+-------------------------+| 101 | apple,blackberry,cherry || 102 | orange,banana,grape || 103 | apricot,coconut || 104 | lemon,berry || 105 | melon,xbabay,xxtt || 106 | mango || 107 | xxxx,xbabay |+------+-------------------------+7 rows in set (0.05 sec)


groub by可以和having一起限定显示记录所需满足的条件,只有满足条件的分组才会被显示。having和where都是用来过滤数据的,having在数据分组之后进行过滤来选择分组,而where在分组之前用来选择记录。where排除的记录不再包括在分组中。


mysql> select s_id,group_concat(f_name) as Names -> from fruits -> group by s_id having count(f_name) >1;+------+-------------------------+| s_id | Names |+------+-------------------------+| 101 | apple,blackberry,cherry || 102 | orange,banana,grape || 103 | apricot,coconut || 104 | lemon,berry || 105 | melon,xbabay,xxtt || 107 | xxxx,xbabay |+------+-------------------------+6 rows in set (0.00 sec)

3.在group by 子句中使用with rollup

使用with rolluo关键字之后,在所有查询出的分组记录之后增加一条记录,该记录计算查询出的所有记录的总和,即统计记录数量。


mysql> select s_id,count(*) as Total -> from fruits -> group by s_id with rollup;+------+-------+| s_id | Total |+------+-------+| 101 | 3 || 102 | 3 || 103 | 2 || 104 | 2 || 105 | 3 || 106 | 1 || 107 | 2 || NULL | 16 |+------+-------+8 rows in set (0.05 sec)


使用group by可以对多个字段进行分组,group by 关键字后面跟需要分组的字段,MySQL根据多字段的值来进行层次分组,分组层次从左到右,即先按第1个字段分组,然后在第1个字段值相同的记录中,再根据第2个字段的值进行分组,以此类推。


mysql> select * from fruits group by s_id,f_name;+------+------+------------+---------+| f_id | s_id | f_name | f_price |+------+------+------------+---------+| 12 | 104 | lemon | 6.40 || a1 | 101 | apple | 5.20 || a2 | 103 | apricot | 2.20 || b1 | 101 | blackberry | 10.20 || b2 | 104 | berry | 7.60 || b5 | 107 | xxxx | 3.60 || bs1 | 102 | orange | 11.20 || bs2 | 105 | melon | 8.20 || c0 | 101 | cherry | 3.20 || m1 | 106 | mango | 15.70 || m2 | 105 | xbabay | 2.60 || m3 | 105 | xxtt | 11.60 || o2 | 103 | coconut | 9.20 || t1 | 102 | banana | 10.30 || t2 | 102 | grape | 5.30 || t4 | 107 | xbabay | 3.60 |+------+------+------------+---------+16 rows in set (0.00 sec) by 和order by一起使用

某些情况下需要对分组进行排序,order by用来对查询的记录排序,如果和group by一起使用可以完成对分组的排序。


mysql> create table orderitems -> (
-> o_num int not null,
-> o_item int not null,
-> f_id char(10) not null,
-> quantity int not null,
-> item_price decimal(8,2) not null,
-> primary key (o_num,o_item)
-> );Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.13 sec)mysql> insert into orderitems(o_num,o_item,f_id,quantity,item_price)
-> values(30001,1,'a1',10,5.2),
-> (30001,2,'b2',3,7.6),
-> (30001,3,'bs1',5,11.2),
-> (30001,4,'bs2',15,9.2),
-> (30002,1,'b3',2,20.0),
-> (30003,1,'c0',100,10),
-> (30004,1,'o2',50,2.50),
-> (30005,1,'c0',5,10),
-> (30005,2,'b1',10,8.99),
-> (30005,3,'a2',10,2.2),
-> (30005,4,'m1',5,14.99);Query OK, 11 rows affected (0.06 sec)Records: 11 Duplicates: 0 Warnings: 0


mysql> select o_num,sum(quantity * item_price) as orderTotal -> from orderitems -> group by o_num -> having sum(quantity * item_price) >=100;+-------+------------+| o_num | orderTotal |+-------+------------+| 30001 | 268.80 || 30003 | 1000.00 || 30004 | 125.00 || 30005 | 236.85 |+-------+------------+4 rows in set (0.00 sec)

可以看到orderTotal列的总订单价格并没有按照一定的顺序显示,接下来使用order by关键字按总订单价格排列显示结果,SQL语句如下:

mysql> select o_num,sum(quantity * item_price) as orderTotal -> from orderitems -> group by o_num -> having sum(quantity * item_price)>=100
-> order by orderTotal;+-------+------------+| o_num | orderTotal |+-------+------------+| 30004 | 125.00 || 30005 | 236.85 || 30001 | 268.80 || 30003 | 1000.00 |+-------+------------+4 rows in set (0.00 sec)

可以看到,group by 子句按订单号对数据进行分组,sum()函数便可以返回总的订单价格,having子句对分组数据进行过滤,使得只返回总价格大于100的订单,最后使用order by子句排序输出。



limit [位置偏移量,] 行数第一个"位置偏移量"参数只是MySQL从哪一行开始显示,是一个可选参数,如果不指定"位置偏移量",将会从表中的第一条记录开始(第一条记录的位置偏移量是0,第二条记录的位置偏移量是1,以此类推);第二个参数"行数指示返回的记录条数"。


mysql> select * from fruits limit 4;+------+------+------------+---------+| f_id | s_id | f_name | f_price |+------+------+------------+---------+| 12 | 104 | lemon | 6.40 || a1 | 101 | apple | 5.20 || a2 | 103 | apricot | 2.20 || b1 | 101 | blackberry | 10.20 |+------+------+------------+---------+4 rows in set (0.00 sec)


mysql> select * from fruits limit 4,3;+------+------+--------+---------+| f_id | s_id | f_name | f_price |+------+------+--------+---------+| b2 | 104 | berry | 7.60 || b5 | 107 | xxxx | 3.60 || bs1 | 102 | orange | 11.20 |+------+------+--------+---------+3 rows in set (0.00 sec)

也可以使用"limit 4 offset 3"也是获取从第5条记录开始后面的3条记录。




Awesome Project: 探索 MatrixOrigin 云原生分布式数据库
Oracle 导出CSV工具-sqluldr2
